Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Climate Reality Monday

     The UN IPCC released a new report, and it ain't good. Well, not all good, I should say. Our addiction to oil is destroying our planet. Its not just the air, with all the pollutants and CO2 we are pumping into it, its the oceans as well. Many people say that the oceans absorb most of the CO2 emissions we release, which is actually true. But they miss a very important point: A HEALTHY OCEAN would absorb that much CO2. And our oceans are not healthy.

     The IPCC warns that if we don't end out reliance on oil by the end of the Century, we will be faced with unavoidable effects of Climate Change. Some effects already seen are irreversible. I'm sure some Deniers will say that the oceans will take care of the excess CO2, but they are talking out of their asses. Those types cherry pick data to discredit and dismiss these reports. They fail to make the connection that by polluting our oceans with...wait for it... Oil and Oil-based byproducts reduces the ocean's ability to absorb CO2. Corral reefs are dying, aquatic vegetation is shrinking, and that means less chlorophyll-filled-CO2-loving organisms to convert all that carbon dioxide into oxygen. Its very similar to when those types say that CO2 is good for plants, and then cut down half the forests on the planet.    
    You can read the report on the IPCC site. It is translated into dozens of languages. Before you believe the pundits, I suggest you read it over. You know, because it does in fact come from some pretty smart people.

     For those of you who are looking to learn more about Climate Change and are looking to become more involved, take a look at this Webinar from the Climate Reality Project. I trained with Al Gore in Chicago in the summer of 2013. It was a life altering experience that I will never forget. It inspired me to create this blog and influence thousands of people! (Okay, maybe not thousands, but I can dream, can't I?)

     Ask me any questions about my experiences or leave a comment in the comments section. My experience with the Climate Reality Project was a defining moment in my life. Maybe it could be for you as well!

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