Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Is It Really 97%?

     A recent study of Climate Change peer reviewed papers has dispelled the myth that 97% of climate scientists support the evidence and agree that climate change is happening and that humans are the main driver of the phenomenon. The actual number is 99.9%. That's right. 99.9%. Before the far far right starts its bellowing about how this is all bullshit, take this simple fact into consideration:

     The study, performed by Director James L. Powell of the National Physical Science Consortium,  examined 24,000 papers on Climate Change from 2013-14. Only 5 did not support the theory that Climate Change is happening. Five. Funf! Cinco! Öt! Cinq! Out of 24,000 papers written by certified and reliable scientists in the field of Climate Science, only Five don't think it is happening.

     When does the political spin stop and common sense take over? Anyone know?