Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Its Not All Doom and Gloom

I wanted to send a special shout out and Thanks to Elvia Thompson and Vic Pascoe for having me on their radio show Wednesday night, "Living Green in Annapolis" to discuss the Climate Crisis and how it is affecting the Chesapeake Bay region. Like the three of us discussed off air when it was over, we could have a dozen more shows on the topic.  Now, how do I convince them I deserve to come back?  (Hmmmm...I wonder if cookies would do it? Or maybe a nice Cabernet? I am open for suggestions here, people. Let me know in the comments section.)

You can listen to the show here: http://annapolisgreen.com/radio/index.html

What I didn't intend to do was scare the ba-Gee-sus out of everyone listening. Oops! Tales of impending doom and world-wide catastrophe are certainly not very a warm and fuzzy conversation. It may have seemed like I kept piling on top of bad news with scary stats and frightening trends.  Seemed like it?  Alright, in hindsight that is what I did. My bad. But like the third act of many a movie trilogy (not including Revenge of the Sith, of course) there is a sunny side to the impending apocalypse. We have the ability to prevent such an outcome!

Global Climate Change is a messy situation. There is a lot that is involved and impending doom is part of that message. The good part is that its not too late...if we act now. That is the message that I try to get across on this blog, or on my Facebook page or in other ways (like the other night on the radio).  There is so much dis-information floating around out there. Incomplete sound bites, quotes taken out of context, and cherry-picked data that is used to throw people off and confuse in order to hide the truth. What is that truth? Its simple, really. Global Climate Change is real. It is happening.  And we, the human race, are MAJOR contributors.

You don't have to be a scientist to understand how this works and what road we are currently headed down. All you need is a brain to comprehend the message, a voice so you can help others understand what you have learned and the tenacity to keep pushing forward and ensuring that people can disseminate between what is truth and what is a bunch of hooey. My goal is to help people focus on what is happening and what will happen if we don't change how we do things on this planet today...right now. That has to come first before we can get to the Kumbaya moment, where everyone in the world can join hands and sing under sunny skies and calm, receding waters.

So what is real?  Well, recently Climate Change Deniers went on a rampage, accusing climate scientists that believe Global Warming and Climate Change are real of being paid to say those things. They claimed that these experts were just compensated talking heads, making things up just so they can get paid while they sit back and do no real scientific research. These scientists are part of a supposed world-wide conspiracy to get everyone to stop buying oil and coal in order to power their lives with clean energy with Wind and Solar. Oh the humanity!  Except, most scientists across the world survive on grants, toil away in windowless basement labs and offices that don't have a view of the golf course or ocean. Most of the climate scientists out there are...well...out there, in the field, drilling for ice cores and sampling ocean water. Chasing storms, sweating thru droughts and wading thru floods, enduring record breaking heat and powerful storms to get the best and most accurate information so they can understand what's really happening out there in our changing global climate. They are dirty and smelly and away from their families for long stretches. Not the vision of wealthy intellectual snobs that many deniers would want you to believe, is it?

What really frosts my little red wagon about these deniers throwing around such accusations is that many of these pundits and accusers are being paid or funded by organizations to say this kind of crap. Organizations like the Heartland Institute and the Non-governemental Panel on Climate Change were created and funded to throw the public off; to discourage action because changing from dirty energy to clean would hurt Big Oil and Big Coal where it hurts the most...in their pockets. Who has the most to lose here?

Many get contributions from Oil and Coal companies or industries that rely on fossil fuels in order to survive. I am a business man, so I understand wanting to protect your business model. But like the early 19th Century in the meatpacking district of Chicago, this complete disregard for human beings in order to make the most amount of money possible has to come to an end. Think I'm being dramatic? Well tell me, does it turn your stomach when BP runs a commercial about clean energy and caring about the environment?

This is such a complex issue and I am sick of hearing uninformed people spout off like they know what they are talking about, blathering on about things they don't want to acknowledge or won't try to understand. They are doing us a disservice by throwing their clogs into the gears, slowing down progress and innovation, backing outdated and dirty energy, while the water keeps rising on the other side of the dikes. What kind of future do they think their kids will have, when our resort towns are underwater and a day at the beach is spent in Frederick, Maryland or Allentown, PA?

The point of my rant is that you have a choice. You can learn how the science works, what it means now and what it will lead to in the future; a future that will affect your kids and grandkids and great great grandkids. We can change how we live on this planet to ensure a more stable and healthy environmental future for the coming generations, without sacrificing our way of life. We will have to change how we do somethings, sure. But we don't have to eat gruel and live in caves and stop watching TV. That will become the new reality if we sit around and do nothing. if you think the cold spell last week was tough, try living in a cave without running water, blankets, toilets to flush, cars to drive, guns to fire and a steady source of food. Now that's tough!

There are organizations out there that can help you in your quest for knowledge. The Climate Reality Project is one, which I am a member. If you want to learn more, hop on the web and see what's out there. Thats why God invented Google in the first place! Go to Greenpeace or the World Wildlife Fund. Check out your local area to see what kind of grassroots movements and groups are out there spreading the word and raising awareness.

The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There's a dark side to it. No matter what we do, there will always be storms, floods, droughts, famine, plagues and Fox News. But, how much those things continue to occur going forward we do have a say in. The frequency and intensity of these events can be affected by our present day actions. Do we really care if our energy comes from dirty coal burning power plants or from clean wind turbines? Well, if I can still DVR "Game of Thrones" while helping slow carbon emissions to a trickle, what's not to like?  It really can be that simple.

You have a choice. Doing nothing is one, but the ramifications of inaction could lead to, literally, the end of the world as we know it. What would you say to the generation that live 85 years from now, when they ask "You knew the world would go to shit back then and yet you did nothing? Why? How could you not do something?"

Well?  How would you answer that question?

1 comment:

  1. I think a nice Cabernet AND cookies would do it for me....can't speak for Elvia.....
    great job on the show and enjoyed reading your blog.
