Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The One with the Plug-In Porsche

     Saw this baby in Heidelberg. I couldn't get a better picture because of the lighting, but you can make out the Porsche emblem on the front of the car. You can also see the power cord in the back. I saw it from about 50 feet away and had to walk over and see.

     The future my friends. Ain't it nice looking?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday's List

     Over the weekend and this morning, I found a few articles you might find interesting. So I thought I would share because I'm cool like that. :)

     The first one is an article from the San Diego Free Press, which highlights why Pat Robertson thinks a lack of miracles from God is a result of all these "educated" people in our country believing in science. You might want to put your powdered wig on for that one. I'm just sayin'.

     The second is from the Washington Post and outlines what the State of Virginia is doing (and I mean bipartisan doing) to comply with the EPA's new CO2 emissions standards. I don't want to ruin anything, but the solution involves a cap-and-trade system and joining a coalition of other states that are working for reduced greenhouse gases. Instead of the government telling the State how to do this, Virginia is going to let the market dictate how much a permit to emit greenhouse gases should cost. Which is the whole idea in the first place.

     The third is bittersweet for me, personally. I had this idea a few years ago, but since I am a bit lazy, I didn't get it out of the development stage. (And when I say development, I mean I didn't move past the "hey! That's a cool idea! I wonder if that would ever fly" stage.) According to the Washington Post, seems there is a Finnish company out there that is making modular cellphones that people can buy and then in the future, when technology advances, consumers can switch out old parts for new, re: screens, batteries and processors. Why is this company doing this? Because people spend about $12 billion dollars a year in the US for new cellphones, throwing their old ones away. This new type of phone would reduce waste and conserve precious resources.

     Reduce, Reuse, Recycle people. It really works. Even in a capitalist society.

     Enjoy your Monday reading! And thanks for stopping in.