Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rupert Murdoch: Climate Change "Expert"

     If you like Rupert Murdoch, shame on you. He is one of the billionaire power brokers that has put profits above people and has pushed the modern monopoly movement forward, the likes of which we haven't seen since before Teddy Roosevelt. There is no doubting his business acumen, as evidenced by his massive holdings (Fox, his attempt to buy Time Warner, and others I can't even wrap my head around).

     But, Climate Science? He seems to be either completely misguided or afraid that addressing environmental issues will take a chunk out of his wallet. Murdoch has taken the stance of so many that out there that humans are not having an effect on the climate. He states that the climate has changed since the Earth was created, so that's that. Scientists seem to have an issue with his statements, saying Murdoch is ignoring sound evidence. (Scientists, what do they know about science, right?)

You can read the article here:


     But like the article says, its the speed with which these changes have taken place over the past 200 years that highly suggests that burning fossil fuels has accelerated changes in the world's climate. We only have ice cores, sediment cores and actual recorded data that covers hundreds of thousands of years!

If you want to understand how these cores tell us this, check out this article on Chemistry World:


     The Australian government has just killed the "Carbon Tax" law in that country, and Murdoch says it will help now that the tax is no more. He thinks the tax was an anchor on the Australian economy, putting it at a global disadvantage.

     You know what an even bigger anchor on an economy would be? A 3-5 foot rise in sea level, displacing hundreds of millions of people, all because people like Murdoch want to profit as much as possible right now, to the detriment of the people on this planet in the future. Now, that's an anchor. Wonder how he proposes to deal with that?

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