One of the most well known phrases in the environmental movement is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. But, after having conversations, giving presentations and interacting with others in my travels, it has become apparent to me that many people skip the first two R's and go straight to the last one: Recycle. While recycling is important, without the first two steps, recycling only slows the inevitable.
Resources are still needed to make new products, even when using recycled material. Products made from recycled material still need about 67% of their materials from somewhere else; there are not any plastic bottles or toys that are made from 100% recycled material. Hence, the Reduce and Reuse steps in the process. The idea is to reduce what you use that needs to be thrown away or recycled. Then, reuse the things that you buy that are not single use items. (Single use items can give off toxic materials that are harmful to your health. Not to mention it's just incredibly wasteful to use a plastic bag one time and then throw it into the yard for the wind to carry away.)
Check out this link from David Suzuki to learn more about how to full implement the 3 R's in your home and business. Spread the word! Make it a contest with your neighbors and friends: who can recycle less, reuse more and reduce your environmental footprint. Everyone wants to win at something, right? How's your chance to put your neighbors in their place, and save some money too.
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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