Looking over the past few things I posted, I realized that I had gotten away from my goal of being trying to put some "funny" into the discussion about Climate Change. You will have to excuse me, but I had the flu earlier this week and that just wasn't very funny. Any humor that I may have had inside did not remain there. I will spare you the details, but let's just say that I lost weight and look great now! And today's the first day of Spring! So I got that going for me.
Speaking of losing weight, did you hear about the Totten Glacier in East Antarctic Ice Sheet? Recent studies discovered that there are some pretty lengthy and deep outflow channels buried under the ice glacier. Those channels allow warmer clean water to flow under the glacier, which could speed up melting (Totten is indeed melting faster than any other East Antarctic glacier) and expose more surrounding ice to warmer waters. Much bigger and with a tremendous amount more water than the West Sheet (bigger than Greenland in fact), the melting of Totten could trigger a massive melt off that could raise sea level by over 11 feet. "Hallelujah! Holy Shit! Where's the Tylenol?"*
Just what you wanted to hear on a beautiful Pre-Spring Morning in March, right? But, hopefully some of you have started, or will start, to bypass the episode review for "The Americans" while you drink your coffee and start reading about these types of things that will have a long term impact on your future. (After you check the hockey scores and tightening playoff race, because there's nothing more important than that, am I right?)
Also, if you missed my post What Would Reagan Do? about the Op-Ed piece that former Secretary of State George Schultz wrote about how he thought Ronald Reagan would have handled the threat of Climate Change, you can do that here. Go on...click the link! Everybody's doing it.
Last but not least, a quote from Woody. Because its true and we need to be reminded of this sometimes. We are not alone.
*quote from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, 1989
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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