Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Round Up

     President Obama this week designated three new National Monuments, which promptly prompted Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) from calling the president "King Barack". No, President Obama is not acting like a king, he's doing the job the people elected him to do...twice. Teddy Roosevelt (a Republican) started this land preservation over a century ago, and every president since has used it. What's wrong with preserving wilderness from time to time? I don't think I will ever understand how someone could look at the immense and powerful beauty of the natural world, only to want to dig it up to make a buck.
photo by John Murray
     Governor Scott Walker has made almost $2 billion in tax cuts since becoming Governor of Wisconsin in 2011. Now, the state faces a shortfall next year that will most likely reach--wait for it--$2 billion! (Governor Walker is skipping state debt payments due this coming May, which he is allowed by the terms of the loan to do one time.) It helps cash flow right now, but it could come back to bite them in the ass next year, when the shortfall is expected to grow. In order to make those initial tax cuts, Walker cut spending to education, public media and--SURPRISE!--the Department of Natural Resources, among others. I know balancing budgets is important, as well as controlling costs. But why is it always schools, clean water and NPR that have to cut back?
Photo: Forbes
     The Lenten Fast for Climate Justice is a 40 day fast during Lent, and many Catholics using the opportunity to demand action on the climate crisis. Catholics from around the world will be fasting in hopes to raise awareness and get people to take climate change seriously. It warms my heart to see the Catholic Church be all in on the subject of Climate Change. See, everyone, there is hope!  Even Pope Frank is on board!

Thanks to #ThinkProgress for giving me such great articles to read everyday. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Too Good Not To Share

I am trying to post less memes and write more riveting social commentary about the environment for s if you. But, sometimes, these memes are so good I just have to share. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

More Snow?! What About Global Warming?


     I'm surprised I haven't heard more people dismiss global warming lately, what with all the snow being heeped upon New England this Winter. Maybe the tide is turning. Regardless...check out these pics from Massachusetts! Holy cow! That's a lot of snow. What about global warming? Does more snow mean global warming is not happening? Not so fast, there trigger. Global warming is happening; it seems to be causing some weirds things to start happening to the Earth's atmosphere. That's why people are concerned and want to address climate issues.
     You've heard it all before: Humans burn fossil fuels and release carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide absorbs heat radiating away from the Earth, eventually warming up the planet's atmosphere:Global Warming. Global Warming leads to more water evaporating into the skies, forming clouds, which carry rain. A warmer atmosphere has more energy, due to the higher temperatures. More energy and more water vapor lead to...? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler? That's right! Bigger and bigger storms! Weather changes everyday, but the climate usually doesn't change so fast, according to research into the planet's climate history.

     It doesn't matter if its snow or rain or sand or wind; bigger storms can really screw up your day and, more often lately, your week. With what happened in Buffalo earlier this past November and the continued onslaught of snow storms in the Northeast, these more frequent events are most likely a result of a changing climate. To hear someone talk about it or to read about it makes it easy to dismiss. To see it first hand, up close and personal, I think it makes people more aware. Slowly people are beginning to notice.  Five feet of snow will do that to you
     So, think about what we discussed here today in the summertime, when the weather is nicer, and those more powerful thunderstorms start rolling through. Louder, with more downpours, and more often. Climate Change its all year round.  Summers are getting warmer every year, following the pattern of higher extremes. Like the snow in the pic above from this winter. Imagine years with even more snow! People will be hurting their backs shoveling snow.

Take a look at the picture above: can anyone find Uncle Bob?

(Photos courtesy of Ana Nardini and Valerie Hoesch. Thanks to both of you in New England for sharing these photos!)