The past two months, the Climate Guy '73 site has seen a HUGE jump in page views. January of 2014 was the record holder for views in a month at 344. July topped that by over 600 page views, to finish the month at 969 page views. As you can imagine, I was more than happy. Today is August 31st, and as of 11am EST, this site has 1,826 views for the month, almost doubling the number of views from last month! I have to admit, I am blown away.
I am trying to carve out my niche here and attract people who have questions about Climate Change. I try to put things into words that the non-scientist can understand. I am not a scientist, but I finished my BS in Environmental Management last year. I am a certified Master Watershed Steward in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. I am a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corp, trained by Vice President Gore himself last summer in Chicago. I have a pretty good understanding of how AGW and Climate Change work.
You do not have to be a scientist to understand the complexities of how we are changing the environment around us; from the forest to the oceans, from the rivers and streams to very air we breathe. I want to share what I know and in a way that those without a science background can comprehend. There are a lot of people out there with bad information that are misleading a large number of people into believing that there isn't a problem and we can move forward, business as usual. However, we can't keep living, business as usual, and expect to sustain our way of life. It simply is just not possible.
My goal here is to raise awareness, urge people to not take ANYTHING at face value and encourage everyone to educate themselves about the very real climate issues that we face. It isn't anti-American, or anti-Reilgious to want to make a better world for our grandchildren. I want to make sure those of us who are spiritual and religious know that it is okay for us to want to plant a tree and put solar panels on our roofs. People need to know that we can do those things without pissing off the Big Guy Upstairs. I kind of suspect he would be more then pleased if that were the case.
I thank all of you that have come and poked around the site. I hope you comeback again, and tell others about me so next month will receive even more page views then this month. To think that I have been able to attract people to this site, and entice them to comeback and visit is empowering. I love what I do. I just want to make a difference by sharing what I have learned about our effect on our environment with those who see the world around them and think to themselves, "There has to be a better way to do this." And you know what? There is.
Thanks to all of you!
John Murray (aka Climate Guy)