All this time, we were told it was the oil. The burning of fossil fuels was supposed to be the main culprit for our rising global temperatures and the changes in climate we have witnessed over the past 100 years. The extra carbon dioxide was supposed to be to blame for trapping extra heat in the atmosphere and causing warmer days, wilder weather and rising seas. But, according to Senator James Inhofe, global warming and climate change are a farce. Its made up! It is a vast conspiracy to take down the honest champions of the environment, those honorable oil companies. And it has all been perpetrated by that evil mastermind...Barbara Streisand.
Yes, Greg Focker's mom is lying to us all. Inhofe was quoted back in 2009 at the Copenhagen Climate Summit, saying that liberal Hollywood types were responsible for pushing their environmental "alarmist" agenda. When asked for a name of one of these so-called alarmists, he responds by saying, "Barbara Streisand." So there you go. Now we have a name. Why no one
has acted upon this information in the past 5 years is mind boggling! What are we waiting for? Forget the fact that the vast majority of the scientific community supports the overwhelming scientific data that global warming and climate change are real, Babs must be stopped! (I should coin the phrase "vast majority of the worlds leading scientists" and "overwhelming scientific data". I hear and read and write that so often, if I owned those words I would be rich. So rich, in fact, that I could build my own utopian space station in orbit, and watch the world go to shit in relative comfort.)
Maybe Inhofe is on to something here. He may still be upset because of the release of Streisand's Christmas Album back in the 1970's. After all, Jews don't believe in Jesus and thus cannot celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. So the fact that Streisand is singing "Jingle Bells" and "The Christmas Song" means she's a liar. If she's lying about Christmas, then what else is she lying about? Climate Change, obviously. She has rallied Ed Begley Jr. and Leonardo DiCaprio to her cause, all so she can profit from the advancement of science and the production of Wind Energy. The horror!
Inhofe will most likely be appointed as the Chairman of the Committee on the Environment in the US Senate early next year. Its good to see that someone of his high status and open mind would focus his energies and resources to take down the evil Hello Dolly so he can restore order in the environmental debate. Its about time someone had the balls to stand up to the Hollywood Elite that is ruining this country. Its about time Congress acted and spent our hard earned tax dollars in an effort to ruin the reputations of highly respected scientists and experts so we can save the oil companies from being damaged by Streisand and her gang of "alarmists".
The fact that people like Inhofe are actually elected to office is democracy in action. But for him to be put in charge of and environmental committee despite his non-scientific background and penchant to quote the bible and claim "God will save us!" is just down right ridiculous. After all, you wouldn't put a person with massive credit card debt and a credit score of 450 in charge of the Fed, would you? To put Inhofe in position as Committee Chairman is a slap in the face to the people who live in this country. But, this is what happens when more people go out to shop on Black Friday than go to the polls on Election Day. Your making your own bed, America.
I don't think Inhofe has paid attention to what God has done in the past when reading his bible. Inhofe insists God will step in and save us, to which I point out the obvious: Adam and Eve being tossed out of the Garden of Eden, Noah's Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Tower of Babel, the Exodus...this is a God that has continually made mankind learn our lessons the hard way, especially the big lessons. God saved the Jews in the Exodus, you say? Sure, then He made them wander the desert for 40 years, and they're are his chosen people! Now, Inhofe wants to fight with Hollywood types about a global issue that affects billions of people, armed with his bible. Except, he keeps forgetting something. Streisand is one of God's chosen people. They know how He works. Inhofe should recognize that.
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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