Hope you have all enjoyed your week. I decided for today I would share some articles that I read over the past few days. Feel free to peruse them while you work hard at not working on this 5th day of December.
First up is the article from Business Insider that details how the US could cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions by up to 80% by 2050 with little or no effect on the economy. Yes, its true. The science and the dollars work on this. So plant a tree, by a Volt and read this article.
Second up is an article from the Washington Post that outlines the major differences between traditional Republicans and Tea Partiers when it comes to science. Very interesting and telling, if you ask me. If you're a Tea Partier, accept the latest scientific theories, acknowledge the existence of Climate Change and like my blog...you're in the wrong political party. Just saying'. Its a pretty eye opening piece, which you can read here.
The last one I want to share comes from the Mother Nature Network. Apparently, graphene membranes are so awesome, they can be used to line Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Which would make it possible, if not practical, to suck the free hydrogen out of the air to power your car. Oi? What Oil? Graphene membranes are the future.
This whole Climate Conversation is always so dour and dark. So today I am sharing some positives. Enjoy your weekend.
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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