Tesla announced its new battery storage system last week. Tony Stark himself- oops, sorry- I mean Elon Musk himself introduced the new energy storage system that could be the game changer renewable energy advocates have been waiting for to jumpstart the Energy Revolution. You can read about Tesla and Mr. Stark's...(damn, did it again...) Mr. Musk's breakthrough and announcement here.
If you visit this site, you already know I am a HUGE advocate for clean renewable energy, sustainability and energy independence. Energy storage has long been the missing link when it comes to energy production from renewables. Opponents of solar and wind power have often moaned that because the Sun goes down or that the wind stops blowing, renewables are unreliable and cannot replace fossil fuels as out main source of energy. Well, I think Tony's- (shit) Elon's announcement basically tells those people that they can "Suck it!"
An energy storage system for homes and businesses as well as for utility companies is a game-changer. It is the missing link between energy production and usage/demand. The biggest argument against renewables is that they are unreliable for the reasons I mentioned above. With a battery storage system in place, one can make energy with their PV system during the day and store it to use at night. Or they can store wind energy when the wind is blowing and use it when the winds die down. Here is a great article from the Washington Post that talks about Tesla's plans and the coming "Energy Revolution".
Anyone seen this cartoon before?
You may remember it from my post on March 31st: Electric Cars and Dirty Energy. In that post, I talked about how this meme represented an opportunity to be more sustainable. Instead of using energy from coal-fired power plants, you could use a solar array to charge your electric car, eliminating fuel costs and CO2 emissions. The Tesla Battery takes this idea one step further...and its a big step! Now, when you are at work, your PV system can make a ton of energy and store it in the battery. When you come home, that energy in the battery can be used to charge your car and power the house when the family is home watching tv, making dinner, surfing the net and playing video games. Sustainable energy system. Holy crap!
Already, I have had some friends dismiss the Tesla Battery because of cost. If you check back to my post Electric Cars and Dirty Energy, you will see how a broke down what a person could save in gas by driving an electric car charged by a solar array. The payback on the Return On Investment starts immediately with these systems. Money for fuel is now earmarked for to pay-off the array. Now, imagine not only saving money in gas, but in utility bills as well! I realize that the cost is quite substantial, but Banks realize that Solar is a good investment. The numbers don't lie. You reduce your monthly utility and fuel costs by going solar, which frees up capital to pay the bank back it's money. You make the Bank whole, and you reduce your monthly bills once the system is paid off. You were already spending that money before, except now there is an end in sight. You are eliminating those costs completely after a few years.
Americans love their credit and love to finance things. Here's an opportunity to finance something that is worth more after it is paid off, unlike your car, that drops in value as soon as you drive it off the lot. You are already spending the money for gas and electricity right now. Investing in solar, a battery system for your home and an electric car transfers what you are spending for gas and electricity to paying back your loan. Tac credits for solar, the battery and an electric car significantly reduce your initial upfront costs, which means the government pays you for doing this. Winner winner chicken dinner!
And THAT is what is meant by the Energy Revolution. The Tesla Battery pack means no more blackouts, no more rate hikes, no more transmission fees and hidden costs. No more days at the gas station, filling up with Super Unleaded because Regular is "out" or the pump is broken. All it takes is thinking outside the box a little bit. Outside the box, where power is clean, renewable and works for you. Thanks Elon Musk! I just can't wait until he builds the Iron Man suit.
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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