Take a look at the recent Forbes article that details the "end" of the partisan divide over whether Climate Change is a real thing or not. Despite the recent actions of the US Senate, that voted to determine if anthropogenic climate change indeed exists, apparently the majority of the GOP acknowledges and accepts that we are indeed having an effect on the planets climate. I was pretty shocked to read that, I have to say. But it did give me hope.
What I don't understand is why the Senate is even wasting our tax dollars on votes to determine something that really can only be fleshed out with science and statistics. Voting on whether Climate Change is real is like voting to decide if most birds can fly or to establish whether we breath O2 or not. I'd rather they vote on steps to take to reduce the effects of AGW instead of grandstanding for a small but vocal faction of the GOP to appease them.
Sorry this blog can be so political sometimes, but that's part of it these days. The Forbes article points out that that is changing, which is good. But we have a long way to go. So, to balance out todays post and in order to focus on the positive and the humorous for the rest of the month, here is an article with a positive spin. When I worked with the Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy, clean water was a focus. Scientists now are developing nanoparticles to clean up our water. Because clean water is important. Although, to be sure, maybe we should vote on that.
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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