There has been a lot of hot air blowing around Capitol Hill. (Yes, that's normal.) Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), head of the House Science Committee is demanding emails and other correspondence from scientists in the US because he, and many others like him, think there exists a vast liberal conspiracy to fool people into believing Climate Change is real. Of course, because of the scientific method, the evidence and data that has been compiled and shared in the scientific community, the results seem pretty clear. Climate Change is real and will continue to get worse as we burn more fossil fuels to power our world.
Scientists are not taking Congressman Smith's witch hunt lying down. The evidence, their methodology and the peer review process protects against false findings and making things up. Say some scientist decides to fake his results? No problem. Other scientists will review any and all papers published and try to recreate the findings. This ensures that one person can't just make crap up. Peer review. It is a wonderful thing. Now why wouldn't the head of the House Science Committee ignore the very basis of scientific debate in his quest to find scientific truth? The heads of 7 scientific societies have stood up to Congressman Smith in response.
The issue that we must face now is that many uneducated people and people who do not understand the scientific method (and how it bases findings on hard evidence and repeatable experiments) will see the refusal of these scientists and experts as them trying to hide something. Which is how many conservatives want this to look. It creates a false sense of debate, allowing people, who have no clue how to comprehend or explain how global warming is affecting Climate Change, to dismiss it. Many hide behind their religious faith, saying they believe that God wouldn't let this happen. Or that we can't possibly understand how the world and nature works. Which is their right. Faith and freedom of religion is ensured under the Constitution.
But, to impose those beliefs and religious faith on others, telling others that their faith scientific inquiry and experimentation to explain the natural world violates their rights ensured under the Constitution. Believing in religious teachings and accepting them as gospel takes a leap of faith. Believing in science and how conclusions are drawn through the scientific method takes a different kind of faith, but it is one built on facts, tangible variables and measurable interactions.
This fantastic article from The Atlantic, written by Paul Bloom, explains the difference between Why Scientific Faith Is Different From Religious Faith. This is such a delicate subject, especially nowadays. Does anyone really understand what the scientists are saying? How they came to believe in their findings? And if conservative law makers insist on uncovering a so-called global conspiracy to fool people into reducing waste, making clean energy and cleaning up the air and water, why are they not investigating or demanding emails and data from the Fossil Fuel industry and big corporations? Wouldn't these entities have valuable information that could make (or break) this so called witch hunt?
People need to start asking these questions. One can not come to a reasonable and informed decisions by investigating one side of an issue. One has to examine all the evidence, read all the emails, look at all the conclusions. To do that, there is this thing called the scientific method. It works great! Perhaps the head of the House Committee on Science should look into that.
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Happy Monday
There has to be a point where the well-being of the people on the planet becomes more important that quarterly profits. I mean, come on!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Where Does Your Toothbrush Go?
You brush your teeth? If you don't, you might want to buy a toothbrush. But what kind? There are so many to choose from. Colgate, Oral-B, Reach, Sonic Care. Much like the cereal isle at the supermarket, the choices afforded us just for a freaking toothbrush are mind boggling! Straight or angled head, sound waves or high-pressure water, soft bristles, medium, firm...I'm just trying to clean my teeth for christsake! Why does it have to be so complicated? Did you know that you are only supposed to use a toothbrush for a few weeks before it is recommended we buy a new one? The toothbrush companies say it can prevent bacteria from growing, or to prevent the bristles from wearing out or because the corporations that make toothbrushes need to increase profits for the fiscal year. When you consider the number of people brushing their teeth, multiplied by everyone getting a new toothbrush every month or so, year after year, well that's a lot of toothbrushes! What happens after you pitch them?
They end up on the beach and in the ocean.
I didn't think about where all those toothbrushes went. I think back on it and I know I went through at least 4 toothbrushes a year over the past 30 years. My Dad, the king of Christmas stocking stuffing, always made sure we had a couple of spare toothbrushes every year. When the bristles started to fray, I just tossed it and grabbed a new one from under the sink. I never really thought about where my old one would end up. Back then, I thought when you recycled something, it, you know, got recycled! Unfortunately, that is not the case. The majority of plastic items we purchase every year are un-recyclable. That's right, they are made from plastic that is unable to be or is too expensive to be recycle. So they are tossed into landfills. Inevitably, some fall off the truck or ship or barge and make their way into rivers and streams and the ocean. There, they threaten sea life by absorbing toxic chemicals and leak those nasty things out in other places, or are ingested by animals, which can kill them. That's not good.
Over 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year. That is the equivalent to 8 garbage bags per 1 foot of coastline. And to think, I contributed to this mess! Thank God there are people out there like the Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Team, who go out and clean up whats out on our beaches. Its a tall task which will take a LONG time to clean up. But in order to stop this plastic pollution, we need to change our behavior when it comes to something as simple as brushing our teeth.
My wife found a website here in Germany where one can buy a fully compostable toothbrush. It comes in a completely compostable package. When these babies wear out, you can burn it in your fireplace, or throw it in the compost, or if you have a chipper-shrewder, you can mulch that baby. Totally natural, made of bamboo and just as good as those colorful plastic fancy things. Bamboo is such a fast growing plant, that it is a much more sustainable material than other wood items. And unlike plastic, they easily can be recycled or allowed to decompose naturally. You can also re-purpose them in many creative ways.
Brush With Bamboo in the USA.
Hydrophil in Europe.
Here are the websites to purchase the bamboo compostable toothbrushes. Take a look. If you never thought about where your toothbrushes have been ending up, now you know. You can switch without changing your daily routine or sacrificing quality dental care. You can help clean up the planet and keep your beautiful smile.
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I didn't think about where all those toothbrushes went. I think back on it and I know I went through at least 4 toothbrushes a year over the past 30 years. My Dad, the king of Christmas stocking stuffing, always made sure we had a couple of spare toothbrushes every year. When the bristles started to fray, I just tossed it and grabbed a new one from under the sink. I never really thought about where my old one would end up. Back then, I thought when you recycled something, it, you know, got recycled! Unfortunately, that is not the case. The majority of plastic items we purchase every year are un-recyclable. That's right, they are made from plastic that is unable to be or is too expensive to be recycle. So they are tossed into landfills. Inevitably, some fall off the truck or ship or barge and make their way into rivers and streams and the ocean. There, they threaten sea life by absorbing toxic chemicals and leak those nasty things out in other places, or are ingested by animals, which can kill them. That's not good.
Over 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year. That is the equivalent to 8 garbage bags per 1 foot of coastline. And to think, I contributed to this mess! Thank God there are people out there like the Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Team, who go out and clean up whats out on our beaches. Its a tall task which will take a LONG time to clean up. But in order to stop this plastic pollution, we need to change our behavior when it comes to something as simple as brushing our teeth.
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My wife found a website here in Germany where one can buy a fully compostable toothbrush. It comes in a completely compostable package. When these babies wear out, you can burn it in your fireplace, or throw it in the compost, or if you have a chipper-shrewder, you can mulch that baby. Totally natural, made of bamboo and just as good as those colorful plastic fancy things. Bamboo is such a fast growing plant, that it is a much more sustainable material than other wood items. And unlike plastic, they easily can be recycled or allowed to decompose naturally. You can also re-purpose them in many creative ways.
Brush With Bamboo in the USA.
Hydrophil in Europe.
Here are the websites to purchase the bamboo compostable toothbrushes. Take a look. If you never thought about where your toothbrushes have been ending up, now you know. You can switch without changing your daily routine or sacrificing quality dental care. You can help clean up the planet and keep your beautiful smile.
Friday, October 16, 2015
The summer was not kind to Climate Guy 73. During the past year, I saw monthly increases in site visits, culminating in the all-time high of 12,436 in April. Ever since, the numbers have dropped so fast you would think you were looking at the temperature graph of the stratosphere for the past 40 years. (Look it up. That was my best science joke ever.) I figured that people were just probably outside more, it being late Spring and then Summer. Now, the green of Summer is giving way to the brilliant colors of Autumn as we speak. There is so much to do and see and experience in the world, why waste it sitting inside on a computer? That has got to be the reason my loyal readers stopped coming by. (I'm sure it would have nothing to do with my erratic blogging, week long absences, or precipitous decline in the quality of my writing. Hey, you have a baby while living in a foreign country, all the while taking german classes to learn a new language.)
The break was cathartic in a lot of ways, in all honesty. In this business, you can have your throat handed to you in the snap-hiss of a lightsaber. I have been read the riot act by many who think I am too radical, too "Left", that say I taint my message with "environmental alarmism" which damages my credibility. After awhile, I'll be honest, it can get to a person. There is a dread deep down, when it comes to the future of the planet, that this all maybe for naught. Am I making a difference? Are people reading? Am I doing enough?
Then I look at my son: five months of smile and drool. The kid is easy going and sweet, the center of my universe. One smile from that toothless wonder and I realize that "Fuck yes it is all worth it!" People have to understand that we are damaging our rivers and oceans, leveling our forests, and killing millions of species every year. I owe it to my son to raise that red flag so it does NOT go unnoticed before it is too late, if it isn't too late already. I owe it to everyone's kids to do that! Even if I only get one person every few weeks to stop in and say, "Wow, that guy was funny! And I'm going to look into this Climate Reality Project, or the Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards, or the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. " That's real all that matters.
So I amble on. Reading new articles and watching new interviews everyday. Dropping into online communities and sharing what I know and have learned, while trying to learn more. Starting the conversation and reaching out to fill in the gaps for those who want to know more. Of course, this means lots of people rolling their eyes and shaking their heads when they don't like what I have to say. I have been told on more than 734 occasions (not that I'm counting) that I am wrong about the Climate, that Climate Change isn't real. Those people that say this to me ignore the science, the facts, the evidence. I even had a few people tell me that since they KNEW they were right, they didn't HAVE to prove it. It was up to ME to prove them wrong. What?! These are the people that take part in a scientific discussion and ignore the parameters set forth by science to state one's case. Instead, they just dismiss me as a brainwashed liberal who wants to trick people into buying clean renewable energy and plant more trees. They say I am a tree-hugger, a hippie, an Alarmist.
Look, if you don't believe that Climate Change is real, that it is happening right now and will continue to happen in the future, and that we are the cause...this is not the blog for you. Especially now, with me back from a few weeks break and ready to type! I am trying to open the eyes of people on this planet so they can see how they are affecting the world today with their actions, and how they can affect the future by altering our present course. Some out there call me an Alarmist. I don't agree. Why? Well, it's not Alarmist if it's true, right?
The break was cathartic in a lot of ways, in all honesty. In this business, you can have your throat handed to you in the snap-hiss of a lightsaber. I have been read the riot act by many who think I am too radical, too "Left", that say I taint my message with "environmental alarmism" which damages my credibility. After awhile, I'll be honest, it can get to a person. There is a dread deep down, when it comes to the future of the planet, that this all maybe for naught. Am I making a difference? Are people reading? Am I doing enough?
Then I look at my son: five months of smile and drool. The kid is easy going and sweet, the center of my universe. One smile from that toothless wonder and I realize that "Fuck yes it is all worth it!" People have to understand that we are damaging our rivers and oceans, leveling our forests, and killing millions of species every year. I owe it to my son to raise that red flag so it does NOT go unnoticed before it is too late, if it isn't too late already. I owe it to everyone's kids to do that! Even if I only get one person every few weeks to stop in and say, "Wow, that guy was funny! And I'm going to look into this Climate Reality Project, or the Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards, or the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. " That's real all that matters.
So I amble on. Reading new articles and watching new interviews everyday. Dropping into online communities and sharing what I know and have learned, while trying to learn more. Starting the conversation and reaching out to fill in the gaps for those who want to know more. Of course, this means lots of people rolling their eyes and shaking their heads when they don't like what I have to say. I have been told on more than 734 occasions (not that I'm counting) that I am wrong about the Climate, that Climate Change isn't real. Those people that say this to me ignore the science, the facts, the evidence. I even had a few people tell me that since they KNEW they were right, they didn't HAVE to prove it. It was up to ME to prove them wrong. What?! These are the people that take part in a scientific discussion and ignore the parameters set forth by science to state one's case. Instead, they just dismiss me as a brainwashed liberal who wants to trick people into buying clean renewable energy and plant more trees. They say I am a tree-hugger, a hippie, an Alarmist.
Look, if you don't believe that Climate Change is real, that it is happening right now and will continue to happen in the future, and that we are the cause...this is not the blog for you. Especially now, with me back from a few weeks break and ready to type! I am trying to open the eyes of people on this planet so they can see how they are affecting the world today with their actions, and how they can affect the future by altering our present course. Some out there call me an Alarmist. I don't agree. Why? Well, it's not Alarmist if it's true, right?
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
"Can't see nothing in front of me
"Can't see nothing coming up behind
"Make my way through this darkness
"I can't feel nothing but this chain that binds me
"Lost track of how far I've gone
"How far I've gone, how high I've climbed
"On my backs a 60 pound stone
"On my shoulder a half mile of line
"Come on up for the Rising."
The Rising- Bruce Springsteen
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
President Obama Wants to #ActOnClimate
If you haven't yet seen the White House video featuring President Obama and Climate Change, it is below. Do yourself a favor and take a look.
The action we take now (or fail to take) will determine the state of the world for centuries to come. We must act now!
Monday, September 7, 2015
Meme Predicts Study Results
I posted this meme last year sometime. I think I posted it again some time early this year. Here it is again just to refresh your memory.
And for those of you that always brush aside memes as silly internet speak with no basis in fact, here's the article that provides documentation that the meme is indeed real. Suck it.
Its the truth. We can measure this accurately because its only been a few hundred years since we started doing it.
And for those of you that always brush aside memes as silly internet speak with no basis in fact, here's the article that provides documentation that the meme is indeed real. Suck it.
Its the truth. We can measure this accurately because its only been a few hundred years since we started doing it.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
August was quite the busy month. Spent my first ever night in the hospital (it was for something very minor and the German Healthcare system is fantastic!), I started the last Module of my German class which will lead up to my big exam in October and the difficulty level went from "Holy shit this doesn't make any sense!". I also have a 4 month old and an empty lot around the house that I am trying to take care of simultaneously. Did I mention I have a baby? I have a wife, too, and she is amazing. Needless to say the blog posts have suffered this month and I am sorry. Life happens, right?
Now my mother is visiting for a few weeks, and after is the last few weeks of my course and then the test. I suspect that I will get back into the swing of things in a month or so. So fear not, loyal readers (both of you), I will return with e vengeance!
In the meantime, here's a webinar from The Climate Reality Project that discusses the Business of Climate Solution. Many climate change deniers keep belly aching that fighting climate change will ruin the world economy and cost people jobs. Quite the opposite is true. There is so much to be done in order to adjust and adapt to our changing climate. There is actually money to be made as we switch to a more sustainable society. Check out the video below to learn more.
Now my mother is visiting for a few weeks, and after is the last few weeks of my course and then the test. I suspect that I will get back into the swing of things in a month or so. So fear not, loyal readers (both of you), I will return with e vengeance!
In the meantime, here's a webinar from The Climate Reality Project that discusses the Business of Climate Solution. Many climate change deniers keep belly aching that fighting climate change will ruin the world economy and cost people jobs. Quite the opposite is true. There is so much to be done in order to adjust and adapt to our changing climate. There is actually money to be made as we switch to a more sustainable society. Check out the video below to learn more.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Rich Doesn't Make One Smart
I'm not sure about you, but I think Donald Trump is an idiot. I don't care how rich a person is. All the money in the world doesn't make one smarter than everyone else. It just makes someone a bigger, more pompous asshole. Trump thinks because he speaks his mind and is a millionaire, he knows more than everyone. Including hard working and brilliant scientists.
Take for example this article in Eco-Watch.
Trump dismisses the studies that say the Keystone Pipeline will harm the environment in anyway. He thinks the endangered species that live in the proposed pipeline areas will be just fine with spilled oil, increased human activity and further disruption of their natural habitat. Trump thinks that burning more oil wont add more CO2 to the atmosphere which can lead to higher temperatures and shutting climate patterns. Trump dismisses the additional pollution, in the form of toxic organic chemicals and heavy metals, that will enter the air and water columns and disrupt normal life cycles, in the wild as well as in the civilized areas of the country. Trump just waves all of these off because as a rich guy, he doesn't have to read any studies or scientific findings or acknowledge facts that could potentially reduce profits. His wealth nullifies facts and best practices.
It's this kind of ignorance that has destroyed eco-systems world-wide and created the Climate and Environmental Crisis we now face. It's hard enough to address these issues as it is, and now we have to deal with rich buffoons like Trump on top of everything? Trump may be entertaining, but he offers us no chance at progress. Trump offers us more of the same destructive behavior that created the damaged the planet and its life forms and put us in this position in the first place.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Seeing Ice Melt With Your Own Eyes
Below is a link to the Washington Post that shows pictures of the glacial melt happening in Greenland. I have heard so many people say that ice melting is normal and its not an issue. They are wrong. Its not THAT the ice is melting...its how FAST the ice is melting. And it is melting fast. Take a look for yourself.
How About Something Positive?
The Christian Science Monitor article about turning brownfield into Solar Power Generation Facilities is pretty great. Not only does this offer empty and unused properties the opportunity to become productive, it also has led to the clean up of these sites. Without solar power, these sites might have still been left to rot and contaminate.
I just thought it would be nice to share something that showed the reversal of human environmental destruction and share something that shows some hope.
Have a great weekend!
I just thought it would be nice to share something that showed the reversal of human environmental destruction and share something that shows some hope.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Climate vs Weather
I think everyone is familiar with this photo of Senate Climate-Change-Denier James Inhofe using a snowball as evidence that climate change doesn't exist. It was snowing outside in Washington that day in the winter, so climate change can't be real, he posited. Which of course is ridiculous. Weather isn't climate. Weather patterns over long periods of time are climate. Besides, there is more to Climate Change than just global warming, which if the Senator would talk with a science teacher, he may understand.
Climate Change doesn't mean that the Earth is ONLY getting warmer. It means that due to global warming brought upon by ever increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, which can and has been directly traced to the burning of fossil fuels by humans, weather patterns over time begin to change. Summer gets longer, Spring and Fall get shorter. Winters can get nastier, storms get stronger. Places around the world get more rain than the normally get on average and there are floods, while others get less and suffer droughts. Sure, these things happen and have happened for millions of years. But, the frequency and the magnitude is increasing. The Extremes get more extreme. The Earth is warming much faster than at any other time that scientists can determine. We can look back at the climate changes over the past million years or so and what we see happening now is unprecedented. Rapid change makes it harder for life to adapt, which leads to mass die offs of species, which is taking place all over the world.
This report shows that 2015 is on its way to becoming the hottest year on record, beating the previous record year, which was...2014. Ouch. Not good. Hotter temperatures change the local environment and can shift weather patterns, creating a different climate. Where I grew up in Southern Maryland, you could set your watch by the 4 year snow storm that brought us 20+ inches of snow. Every four years. I vividly remember as a kid those years because we were usually out of school for a week! '79, '83, '87, '91, '96, '00. But, now storms like that are becoming more frequent and the four year interval is less predictable. 2010 saw the four year storm, but then we had another winter with heavy snows in 2013. And again in 2014. The winter of 2015 saw a ridiculous amount of snow in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (just ask my cousins) and they prediction for this coming winter is again looking like heavy snow along the Eastern Seaboard due to a VERY strong El Niño. As you can see, all of this gets complicated.
What I have noticed is that when discussing weather patterns, people get angry and things can get contentious. Some dismiss weather changes as normal and ignore the new emerging patterns. But weather patterns aren't the only way to recognize climate change. It can also have an effect on the local flora and fauna. Trees that once thrived in your area with what the local climate used to be are now stressed and struggling to survive. Too much water, extended drought. Too much rain or not enough has thrown their health out of whack. Animals that were once plentiful in an area suddenly decline in numbers, which has a domino effect on other plants and animals. Warmer temperatures can create ideal conditions for certain bacteria and fungi to grow, which can kill plants and trees. Everything is connected.
What I have noticed is that when discussing weather patterns, people get angry and things can get contentious. Some dismiss weather changes as normal and ignore the new emerging patterns. But weather patterns aren't the only way to recognize climate change. It can also have an effect on the local flora and fauna. Trees that once thrived in your area with what the local climate used to be are now stressed and struggling to survive. Too much water, extended drought. Too much rain or not enough has thrown their health out of whack. Animals that were once plentiful in an area suddenly decline in numbers, which has a domino effect on other plants and animals. Warmer temperatures can create ideal conditions for certain bacteria and fungi to grow, which can kill plants and trees. Everything is connected.
Where we live now, in Southern Germany near the Alps, I have talked at great length the locals about the weather: is it the same as it was 20 years ago? Has anything changed? Is it warmer in the Summer? In the Winter? Does it snow more often or less? Are the thunderstorms more frequent and more powerful? What about insects? Everyone that I have talked to says the same thing: 20 years ago, Autumn started at the end of August but now it starts closer to the end of September. Mosquitoes are a much bigger pest than ever before, they say. Local trees (in yards and in the forests) are struggling in the Summer months due to the reduced rainfall. House fly and Wasp populations have exploded; no one remembers them being so bad, and we live deep in cow country so flies have always been around. This is a place where they don't normally have screens for their windows, but now most people are installing them because these insects have become a major issue.
Of course, this is all unscientific. I have to admit that. I'm just out asking questions, getting to know people and trying to improve my crappy german. But, the people I am talking to have lived here most if not all of their lives. We are talking about old farmers, bent-backed from hard work, school teachers, gray-haired and stress-wrinkled from years in the schoolroom. People who's families have lived here for generations. People who learned how to work the land from their parents. That's DECADES of experience, observing the environment and refining methods to be a successful farmer. And now, their methods are not enough due to the changing climate.
I find it all fascinating and worrisome. Which is why Inhofe's snowball really frosts my little red wagon. The naysayers always focus on one thing, and that's weather. But it's not about weather, not really. Weather is a factor, but its the weather patterns that we are talking about and studying. They are changing, which bring about other more measurable changes like increases in insect populations or declining plant populations. So if you notice that there are more mosquitoes or a certain weed is suddenly everywhere and you can't fight it back, it may be because where you live the climate has changed enough to create different conditions, conditions that those insects of weed just so happen to thrive in. Something to consider the next time someone throws a snowball and tells you the world is getting colder.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Tuesday Slap of Reality
Now, I'm no communist mind you. But I don't see why the banker can't give the worker two cookies, the immigrant one and STILL go to Maui for the winter.
Monday, August 10, 2015
EPA Spill Is Spun
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photo from Reuters |
While the stories point out that the EPA broke open the wastewater containment walls, which held more than 3million gallons of toxic liquids left over from the abandon mine it resides in, there is no mention of the fact that the company responsible for the mine. Thats because it was abandoned. Yup, some company walked away from over 3 million gallons of crud that poses a serious health threat to the people living down stream. The EPA has been filtering the wastewater to reduce the toxicity and accidentally breached a containment wall. Not good, but unintentional. However, news spin is in full effect and Newsweek headline rubs me the wrong way.
"EPA Causes Massive Spill of Mining Waste In Colorado". Come on. Shouldn't it read "EPA Accidentally Causes Massive Spill of Abandoned Toxic Waste"? That would be more accurate, wouldn't it? So many people just glance at headlines and then form their opinions. They won't read the article and understand what is really going on. That just makes having a factual conversation about this even more difficult.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Friday Ice Cream
Want to join the Climate Movement? Sign the petition from Ben and Jerry's by clicking the image below! Who doesn't like Ben and Jerry's? Who would want to keep the Earth cool enough for ice cream?
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Good-bye Jon Stewart
This is a tough day for me. I have been a Jon Stewart fan for a really long time. Before he scored his gig on the Daily Show, I remember seeing him on MTV on some game show I forget the name of. I remember the "Jon Stewart Show", short-lived but smart and hilarious. For the past 15 years, I rarely missed the Daily Show because, well, Jon always slapped us in the face with truth. He echoed the incredulity and anger that we all shared when it came to the things wrong with our country and the world. He pushed us all to use common sense and logic when addressing issues, while calling for the other media outlets to do the same. That voice was like a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness, the laugh when we needed it. Without his humor, I am convinced that I would be suffering from severe depression and hopped up on untold number of anti-depressants.
The truth is, Jon Stewart inspired me to write this blog. Good or bad, smart or dull, funny or boring, I do this every week (mostly) to try and reach those of you out there who are distressed about the state of our world, who need a laugh sometimes, who need to see a different perspective on things. A perspective that shows you how ridiculous the news-spin can be and how common sense and logic will always show the way. I owe that to Jon Stewart. He made it okay to question, challenge and push all that bullshit to the side and demand honesty and truth. Who else could take a subject as serious as the war in Iraq, the fight for Gay Rights or the hypocrisy that is Citizens United and lay it all out for us, all while still being able to make us laugh? How are we supposed to go on with out him to keep us all honest?
I always had this fantasy that I would hit it big one day. When I was a kid, it was as a hockey player. In my 20's, it was as an author and a writer. For the past 5 years, as I finished my degree, joined the Climate Reality Project and the Watershed Stewards, I figured it would be for my Environmental and Climate Activism. With my witty and funny blog posts, future books and the fact I will be a hilarious interview, I had this dream of making it onto "The Daily Show", sitting across from Jon and discussing the climate crisis, the environmental issues facing our world and saying "fuck" a lot. The thought scared the crap out of me, of course, because Jon is so smart and his BS meter so sensitive. But I wanted the chance! I wanted to just talk to him. To pick his brain. To pick things apart, dissect idiot comments from idiot public officials that don't know what the hell they are talking about. To say something witty enough to make Jon Stewart laugh.
That would help me reach more people, would help me make more of a difference in combating our current climate and environmental issues and the ones that face us in the future. It would signal that I was truly making a difference in the world, reaching people, inspiring others to stand up and make their voices heard. I would be making the world a better place, not just posting unread blogposts for my own entertainment or piece of mind. It was a goal I wanted to strive for, but was unsure how to do it. Except to just keep plugging away. Maybe I would make it on "The Daily Show" one day. Maybe not. But having a goal is the first step to attaining it. Who knows what the future holds?
Sadly, my future does not include sitting across the desk from Jon Stewart on his daily show. I wont get that chance now. I may make it big one day and become a world renowned Climate Activist, but I won't get to walk onto to that stage, make sarcastic comments about the dolts in Congress or pick his brain about environmentalism and what he thinks we should do or be asked to stay past the 30 minute mark to discuss things further and have it thrown up on the internet for viewers to check out after the show. I won't get to turn on the TV and flip to Comedy Central when I feel that despair that can set in when everything seems so overwhelming. I wont get to hear his take on the inequities of the world. Every week for almost 15 years I had that chance. After today, we all won't have that chance. I don't like when tv shows end that I am emotionally invested in. But this, this is different. Saying good bye to this "Daily Show"...this will be extra hard. Why? Because it was real. It was true and it was good for all of us.
Thanks Jon. I will truly miss you.
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I always had this fantasy that I would hit it big one day. When I was a kid, it was as a hockey player. In my 20's, it was as an author and a writer. For the past 5 years, as I finished my degree, joined the Climate Reality Project and the Watershed Stewards, I figured it would be for my Environmental and Climate Activism. With my witty and funny blog posts, future books and the fact I will be a hilarious interview, I had this dream of making it onto "The Daily Show", sitting across from Jon and discussing the climate crisis, the environmental issues facing our world and saying "fuck" a lot. The thought scared the crap out of me, of course, because Jon is so smart and his BS meter so sensitive. But I wanted the chance! I wanted to just talk to him. To pick his brain. To pick things apart, dissect idiot comments from idiot public officials that don't know what the hell they are talking about. To say something witty enough to make Jon Stewart laugh.
That would help me reach more people, would help me make more of a difference in combating our current climate and environmental issues and the ones that face us in the future. It would signal that I was truly making a difference in the world, reaching people, inspiring others to stand up and make their voices heard. I would be making the world a better place, not just posting unread blogposts for my own entertainment or piece of mind. It was a goal I wanted to strive for, but was unsure how to do it. Except to just keep plugging away. Maybe I would make it on "The Daily Show" one day. Maybe not. But having a goal is the first step to attaining it. Who knows what the future holds?
Sadly, my future does not include sitting across the desk from Jon Stewart on his daily show. I wont get that chance now. I may make it big one day and become a world renowned Climate Activist, but I won't get to walk onto to that stage, make sarcastic comments about the dolts in Congress or pick his brain about environmentalism and what he thinks we should do or be asked to stay past the 30 minute mark to discuss things further and have it thrown up on the internet for viewers to check out after the show. I won't get to turn on the TV and flip to Comedy Central when I feel that despair that can set in when everything seems so overwhelming. I wont get to hear his take on the inequities of the world. Every week for almost 15 years I had that chance. After today, we all won't have that chance. I don't like when tv shows end that I am emotionally invested in. But this, this is different. Saying good bye to this "Daily Show"...this will be extra hard. Why? Because it was real. It was true and it was good for all of us.
Thanks Jon. I will truly miss you.
Monday, August 3, 2015
The White House's Clean Power Plan
The White House is releasing the new Clean Power Plan for the USA today. It is a revised version of the plan released last year with changes to the plan that addresses concerns raised by opponents of the plan as well as the Supreme Court ruling from this past June. It is a huge step towards showing the rest of the world that America will lead when the Climate Conference in Paris this December takes place.
Watch the video above to learn more. There are better and cleaner alternatives to coal, oil and natural gas, alternatives that greatly reduce pollution in many of its forms. A clean energy future is possible and vital for the future. Back the President and the White House and push for a Clean Energy Future!
Watch the video above to learn more. There are better and cleaner alternatives to coal, oil and natural gas, alternatives that greatly reduce pollution in many of its forms. A clean energy future is possible and vital for the future. Back the President and the White House and push for a Clean Energy Future!
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Bill Nye's Evil Twin
Shout out to the folks over at Eco Watch. They shared a pretty funny video bout climate change denial and how oil spills are actually good for animals. It is satire, of course, and you can check it out here: Bill Nye's Twin Brother Reveals the Truth About Climate Change
Who knew Bill Nye had a twin brother?
Who knew Bill Nye had a twin brother?
Friday, July 31, 2015
Musical Interlude
Outside the street's on fire in a real death waltz
between what's flesh and what's fantasy.
And the poet's down here don't write nothing at all
they just stand back and let it all be.
And in the quick of the night
they reach for their moment
they reach for their moment
and try to make an honest stand.
But they wind up wounded
not even dead.
- Bruce Springsteen
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Climate Reality Thursday
It's been a few weeks since I posted a video. So, what better way to break that streak than with a video of young Climate Leaders striving to make a difference? Enjoy.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Renewables At It Again
Germany the other day made 78% of its energy using renewables. Wind turbines were spinning like mad in the North Sea earlier this week, setting a new mark for renewable energy production. Germany is now producing more than 25% of its daily energy with renewables, and that number keeps growing. Say what you want about Wind and can't deny that they make enough energy to power an industrialized nation with 80 million people.
Just imagine what would happen if put more wind and solar in the USA? And I'm not talking about lower profits for the Koch Brothers.
Just imagine what would happen if put more wind and solar in the USA? And I'm not talking about lower profits for the Koch Brothers.
Monday, July 27, 2015
The Difference Between Fact and Opinion: Take 2
Do you want to know the true difference between a Climate Change Alarmist and a Climate Change Denier? I will use this simple example to illustrate.
- A man sitting in a house looks out the window, sees that it is raining and suddenly remembers that he left the newspaper on the front porch, the windows down in his car and the patio door open. He thinks about all of these things and realizes that the newspaper will probably get ruined, his car seats will get soaked and water will blow in through the patio door.
- Another man sitting in the same house listens to the first man tell him what is happening outside. Without looking, the second man says "Its not raining." When questioned by the first man why he won't get up and look to see it for himself, the second man replies, "Because its too much work to look outside. Besides, its against my beliefs. So, in my opinion, it is not raining."
And I wonder why I am always pulling out my own hair.
- A man sitting in a house looks out the window, sees that it is raining and suddenly remembers that he left the newspaper on the front porch, the windows down in his car and the patio door open. He thinks about all of these things and realizes that the newspaper will probably get ruined, his car seats will get soaked and water will blow in through the patio door.
- Another man sitting in the same house listens to the first man tell him what is happening outside. Without looking, the second man says "Its not raining." When questioned by the first man why he won't get up and look to see it for himself, the second man replies, "Because its too much work to look outside. Besides, its against my beliefs. So, in my opinion, it is not raining."
And I wonder why I am always pulling out my own hair.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
Marshall Islands
The Marshall Islands are ground zero for sea level rise. While the small chain of islands faces the coming deluge, people around are still trying to debate whether or not the ice is melting and the seas are rising.
Above is a great article that really shows what they are dealing with. In case you are one who dismisses climate change, take a look.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Who's the Alarmist?
As a Climate Change and Environmental Activist, I catch my fair share of shit. I am accused of being too dramatic, of exaggerating the environmental issues facing our world, of trying to scare people into driving electric cars and putting solar panels on their roofs. The horror! The blanket term most often used by those who do not believe in Climate Change for people like me is "Alarmist". I take exception to that name for a variety of reason.
The most obvious reason I take exception is because it pretty much kills any chance of having an informed and productive conversation about Climate Change or any environmental issue, for that matter. "He's an alarmist" puts other people off and on guard, since the term carries a negative connotation. Any hope I have for an intelligent exchange, without emotion and conjecture, pretty much disappears like the O-Zone layer above Antartica in the 1980's. The swapping of ideas, beliefs and information is crucial to informing people why I stand for what I do and why I am trying to raise awareness about the effects Climate Change will have on our way of life. Trying to vault over the "You're an Alarmist" label becomes quite difficult, since many believe anything they read, or believe whatever their Congressman tells them, or when their religious leaders tell them they have to believe. People like me get shut out without a second thought under those types of circumstances.
Which is why I REALLY don't like the "Alarmist" label. In my experience, the people most often tossing around the term "Alarmist", are alarmists themselves! I have realized that the strongest Climate Change Deniers are the very same people that say that society will fall apart if we try and switch to renewable energy, or that by allowing gays to marry will bring about the end of days and God's wrath, or that President Obama is secretly plotting to "invade" Texas with the US Army in his never ending quest to turn us into a Social State while he tries to take over the world. I mean, talk about alarmist!
Being concerned about the Environment and wanting to prevent further damage to the world, nature and in turn our culture, doesn't make me an alarmist. It makes me a human being. One that is focused on making the world a better place for now and the future. Trying to convince me that gay marriage will bring our society down to its knees and allow Satan to take over the world? Now THAT sounds pretty alarmist to me.
The most obvious reason I take exception is because it pretty much kills any chance of having an informed and productive conversation about Climate Change or any environmental issue, for that matter. "He's an alarmist" puts other people off and on guard, since the term carries a negative connotation. Any hope I have for an intelligent exchange, without emotion and conjecture, pretty much disappears like the O-Zone layer above Antartica in the 1980's. The swapping of ideas, beliefs and information is crucial to informing people why I stand for what I do and why I am trying to raise awareness about the effects Climate Change will have on our way of life. Trying to vault over the "You're an Alarmist" label becomes quite difficult, since many believe anything they read, or believe whatever their Congressman tells them, or when their religious leaders tell them they have to believe. People like me get shut out without a second thought under those types of circumstances.
Which is why I REALLY don't like the "Alarmist" label. In my experience, the people most often tossing around the term "Alarmist", are alarmists themselves! I have realized that the strongest Climate Change Deniers are the very same people that say that society will fall apart if we try and switch to renewable energy, or that by allowing gays to marry will bring about the end of days and God's wrath, or that President Obama is secretly plotting to "invade" Texas with the US Army in his never ending quest to turn us into a Social State while he tries to take over the world. I mean, talk about alarmist!
Being concerned about the Environment and wanting to prevent further damage to the world, nature and in turn our culture, doesn't make me an alarmist. It makes me a human being. One that is focused on making the world a better place for now and the future. Trying to convince me that gay marriage will bring our society down to its knees and allow Satan to take over the world? Now THAT sounds pretty alarmist to me.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Pluto Fly-By!!
Today, the New Horizons spacecraft is about to fly by Pluto today. Watch at the link below. This is what science and discovery is all about!
The planet is getting warmer, as we know. The warming is change climate patterns, as we all know. So, imagine my surprise when I read an article this week that said the opposite was true. A report out there this week that says the Earth will have a "mini Ice-Age" by 2030. Yeah, that report is bubkis. I just wanted everyone to be clear on that.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Jeb Bush Steps Out
Jeb Bush, American Royalty and Republican Presidential Candidate, the other day said he believes that Climate Change will probably be solved by a guy tinkering in his garage. Of course, media outlets are having a field day with this, ridiculing Bush for his statements. I mean, what can a guy in his garage do to combat climate change, invent a freeze-machine like the one Mikkos Cassadine created that threw Port Charles into a sudden winter during the summer of 1981? (General Hospital fans know how close were are to the end.) Or maybe Bubba in Georgia will convert his three wheeler into a salt vaporizer that makes salt disappear when turning sea water into fresh water?
Instead of focusing on how silly it sounded, I think we should focus on the fact that Jeb admitted Climate Change is real, is happening, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed. This is a small victory for those of us who recognize we must take action before it is too late. The fact Bush recognizes global warming and climate change as an issue is a step toward. Instead of just ignoring it or dismissing it, Bush's statements have pushed the door ajar toward working toward real progress on combating something that threatens out way of life and the health of our global society.
In a field of ostriches--most with their heads stuck in the sand--it's nice to see one potential Republican candidate looking at what's going on in the world around him. Its easy to poke fun of another Bush and say his idea that some guy tinkering in a garage would end the climate crisis, but many breakthroughs throughout history have come from unlike places. Sure, it is unlikely that Cletus in his shed in Mississippi is going to invent a freeze-pistol that can restore the melting glaciers to their pre-Industrial Revolution condition. But who knows? I would like to think that Bush's comments mean he is open to funding research and finding solutions, moving forward instead of falling farther behind. Sure, he may be against government regulations (which is is short-sighted and unfortunate), but the fact that he acknowledges what is happening is reason to have hope. Its a departure from the other ostriches in the "Climate Change isn't real and is a vast conspiracy to get people to buy solar panels" group.
It should be fun to see if his acknowledgement of Climate Changes the rhetoric of the other candidates if Bush's statements appeal to conservative voters who want action on Climate Change. It could change the course of the 2016 election, considering the majority of Americans believe we must do something before it is to late. Of course, he may just be saying this to get elected. But I will take the small step forward. Anything to help Jethro distill a new carbon-absorbing moonshine that cools the Earth and saves us all.
Instead of focusing on how silly it sounded, I think we should focus on the fact that Jeb admitted Climate Change is real, is happening, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed. This is a small victory for those of us who recognize we must take action before it is too late. The fact Bush recognizes global warming and climate change as an issue is a step toward. Instead of just ignoring it or dismissing it, Bush's statements have pushed the door ajar toward working toward real progress on combating something that threatens out way of life and the health of our global society.
In a field of ostriches--most with their heads stuck in the sand--it's nice to see one potential Republican candidate looking at what's going on in the world around him. Its easy to poke fun of another Bush and say his idea that some guy tinkering in a garage would end the climate crisis, but many breakthroughs throughout history have come from unlike places. Sure, it is unlikely that Cletus in his shed in Mississippi is going to invent a freeze-pistol that can restore the melting glaciers to their pre-Industrial Revolution condition. But who knows? I would like to think that Bush's comments mean he is open to funding research and finding solutions, moving forward instead of falling farther behind. Sure, he may be against government regulations (which is is short-sighted and unfortunate), but the fact that he acknowledges what is happening is reason to have hope. Its a departure from the other ostriches in the "Climate Change isn't real and is a vast conspiracy to get people to buy solar panels" group.
It should be fun to see if his acknowledgement of Climate Changes the rhetoric of the other candidates if Bush's statements appeal to conservative voters who want action on Climate Change. It could change the course of the 2016 election, considering the majority of Americans believe we must do something before it is to late. Of course, he may just be saying this to get elected. But I will take the small step forward. Anything to help Jethro distill a new carbon-absorbing moonshine that cools the Earth and saves us all.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Friday Meme
Let's all take the time to really understand what we are talking about before waxing poetic about how much we know.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Where Does Your Waste Go?
One of the main goals for me here is to get people to reduce their ecological footprint. Using less materials that can't be recycled, reducing the amount of single-use items (I'm looking at you plastic bags!) and making compost out of food waste. Without being obnoxious, I try to help my friends think a little bit about their actions and the repercussions that those actions have. Yes, my advice is at times unsolicited, however I do my best not to cram said advice down people's throats. I just try to share what I have learned reducing my amount of waste. Point out that some things are thrown away for no reason. If you're just gonna toss it after using it once, why not skip that step and not even use it to begin with, you know?
Yesterday, a friend from my German class drove me home. She asked me if it was okay with we stopped at the supermarket so she could pick up a few things. First stop was the produce aisle (supermarkets are pretty much the same in Germany as in America, just smaller). My friend grabbed some bananas off the shelf, pulled off a plastic bag from the roll and threw them in, like so many of us do. How many times to do you that? Grab a bag for something that really doesn't require one?
I was like, "Whaaaaat? You don't need a plastic bag for bananas. They are already attached together in nature's carrying case. They come pre-wrapped in their own organic wrapper! Do you really need a bag?"
My friend looked perplexed and said, "But the bags are here for us to use." It seems that she hadn't really considered why she had grabbed one, but just automatically grabbed the plastic bag off the roll because they were there. "It isn't a big deal. So what?" she waved me off and moved on to the spice aisle.
So I asked her, "Are you going to use that bag again?"
"Well, no," she answered...and then there it was. The look. The look that many people get when they realize something for the first time. I had interrupted her normal behavior with a question that she could not quite answer.
My friend kept the bananas in the bag and after checking out, she drove me home. I did not convince her to not take the bag, nor did I try. But, I did get her to think about it. In a week or so, she may very well show up to class and tell me that she bought bananas at the market again, but this time didn't put them in a plastic bag. Which is a small victory. We have been so conditioned to grab things when we shop that we really don't need: plastic bags, individually wrapped meals, all that crap at the check out counter. Many times, we grab that stuff because everyone else does without thinking about what happens to that plastic bag once you get home, remove the bananas and toss the bag away.
Quite often, when I point these types of things out to people, they stop and think. If I can get someone to re-evaluate those small actions, then it makes a difference. Because the person I get to reconsider their behavior with something as ingrained into every day life like grocery shopping, they will most likely share with others what they now do if they make a change. That helps shift towards a more closed-loop and sustainable way of life. Less waste because we reduce, reuse and recycle. That's how you change the world.
Here's a video about food waste. Its short and good. Enjoy!
Yesterday, a friend from my German class drove me home. She asked me if it was okay with we stopped at the supermarket so she could pick up a few things. First stop was the produce aisle (supermarkets are pretty much the same in Germany as in America, just smaller). My friend grabbed some bananas off the shelf, pulled off a plastic bag from the roll and threw them in, like so many of us do. How many times to do you that? Grab a bag for something that really doesn't require one?
I was like, "Whaaaaat? You don't need a plastic bag for bananas. They are already attached together in nature's carrying case. They come pre-wrapped in their own organic wrapper! Do you really need a bag?"
My friend looked perplexed and said, "But the bags are here for us to use." It seems that she hadn't really considered why she had grabbed one, but just automatically grabbed the plastic bag off the roll because they were there. "It isn't a big deal. So what?" she waved me off and moved on to the spice aisle.
So I asked her, "Are you going to use that bag again?"
"Well, no," she answered...and then there it was. The look. The look that many people get when they realize something for the first time. I had interrupted her normal behavior with a question that she could not quite answer.
My friend kept the bananas in the bag and after checking out, she drove me home. I did not convince her to not take the bag, nor did I try. But, I did get her to think about it. In a week or so, she may very well show up to class and tell me that she bought bananas at the market again, but this time didn't put them in a plastic bag. Which is a small victory. We have been so conditioned to grab things when we shop that we really don't need: plastic bags, individually wrapped meals, all that crap at the check out counter. Many times, we grab that stuff because everyone else does without thinking about what happens to that plastic bag once you get home, remove the bananas and toss the bag away.
Quite often, when I point these types of things out to people, they stop and think. If I can get someone to re-evaluate those small actions, then it makes a difference. Because the person I get to reconsider their behavior with something as ingrained into every day life like grocery shopping, they will most likely share with others what they now do if they make a change. That helps shift towards a more closed-loop and sustainable way of life. Less waste because we reduce, reuse and recycle. That's how you change the world.
Here's a video about food waste. Its short and good. Enjoy!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Study Pollution, Go to Jail
Photo by: John D Murray May, 2013 |
So, Wyoming, the home of Devil's Tower, the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and the head waters of the Missouri River has taken away the rights of their citizens. All this talk about freedom and liberty and putting an end to the government conspiracy to take away people's rights, and no one in Wyoming stood up to stop this? So now, in order to discover if a company is polluting a river or the State is not adhering to environmental regulations, a person has to get permission from the government to take water samples, take soil samples...shit, even take photos? Sorry, but that does not ring of freedom to me.
Wyoming is a conservative state, with a large group of people who are fighting to maintain gun ownership rights, to reduce government regulations and government influence on their everyday lives, as well as to ensure freedom for all their citizens. So for them to pass such a law that gives the government more power over the lives of their citizens is contradictory and hypocritical.
And people wonder why we are falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to leadership, innovation and education?
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
...and the Supreme Court Taketh Away
Last week, the Supreme Court took two GIANT steps forward, bringing our great nation closer to meeting the ideals set forth by our forefathers. Gay rights were finally recognized and healthcare was ensured for all. So naturally, Monday saw the Supreme Court rule that the President could not set new EPA regulations on Mercury emissions from coal power plants, tossing out the new EPA Mercury and Toxin emissions standards executive order. One giant step back.
I mean, does the Supreme Court need a prescription for Lithium or what? The EPA emission ruling just doesn't jive with the Gay Rights and the Obamacare rulings. Right? It is incredible to me that this country can take such progressive steps one minute, only to turn around and do something so different. Coupled with Wyoming's new law that criminalizes the collecting evidence of pollution on public land, it hardly seems like the sane court.
Where is the ruling that will finally get people to accept that Climate Change and pollution are real issues that need to be addressed? Probably sitting in the discard pile next to the reformed Campaign Finance proposal.
I mean, does the Supreme Court need a prescription for Lithium or what? The EPA emission ruling just doesn't jive with the Gay Rights and the Obamacare rulings. Right? It is incredible to me that this country can take such progressive steps one minute, only to turn around and do something so different. Coupled with Wyoming's new law that criminalizes the collecting evidence of pollution on public land, it hardly seems like the sane court.
Where is the ruling that will finally get people to accept that Climate Change and pollution are real issues that need to be addressed? Probably sitting in the discard pile next to the reformed Campaign Finance proposal.
Friday, June 26, 2015
California Blames Environmentalists for Drought
Just in case you were feeling too good about the direction our country has taken in the last 24 know, with the Supreme Court rulings that ruled Obamacare was constitutional and that states must allow gay marriage, here is a little something to bring you back to reality.
California Republicans are pushing to pass a bill that blames Environmentalists for the terrible drought the state has endured. Because, out of all the factors, all the waste, all the poor sustainability practices in agriculture and industry across the state, its the tree-huggers who caused the drought.
But fear not, folks. Today we took 2 steps forward and one step back. As upsetting as that is, it is still technically progress. I guess in order for people to accept the science of climate change, the Supreme Court is going to have to rule on whether the science is constitutional or not.
California Republicans are pushing to pass a bill that blames Environmentalists for the terrible drought the state has endured. Because, out of all the factors, all the waste, all the poor sustainability practices in agriculture and industry across the state, its the tree-huggers who caused the drought.
But fear not, folks. Today we took 2 steps forward and one step back. As upsetting as that is, it is still technically progress. I guess in order for people to accept the science of climate change, the Supreme Court is going to have to rule on whether the science is constitutional or not.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Sustainability Thursday Part II
I just saw this on Facebook and I had to share. Because, well...because finally! The Pope is Cool again!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Flip-Flop Huckabee
Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee came out and said he believes that climate change is NOT real and the science is NOT settled. (I know, I am just as shocked as you are.) He likened what is happening today to what apparently happened in the 1970's when scientists were convinced that the Earth was due for an Ice Age. So, his reasoning is that since some scientists were wrong over 40 years ago, over 97% of them can be wrong now.
Oh, wait, I forgot to tell you... Huckabee stated during his 2007 run for the presidency that climate change was indeed real and needed we needed to stop pointing fingers at each other and fix it before it was too late. So now we can add Huckabee to the list of Conservative Republicans who flip-flopped on the climate change issue in the last 8 years just to attract (or scare off) potential voters.
Good job Mike Huckabee. You have destroyed your credibility and sold out to Big Oil and Big Coal in an attempt to become President. Good luck with that.
Oh, wait, I forgot to tell you... Huckabee stated during his 2007 run for the presidency that climate change was indeed real and needed we needed to stop pointing fingers at each other and fix it before it was too late. So now we can add Huckabee to the list of Conservative Republicans who flip-flopped on the climate change issue in the last 8 years just to attract (or scare off) potential voters.
Good job Mike Huckabee. You have destroyed your credibility and sold out to Big Oil and Big Coal in an attempt to become President. Good luck with that.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Is It Really 97%?
A recent study of Climate Change peer reviewed papers has dispelled the myth that 97% of climate scientists support the evidence and agree that climate change is happening and that humans are the main driver of the phenomenon. The actual number is 99.9%. That's right. 99.9%. Before the far far right starts its bellowing about how this is all bullshit, take this simple fact into consideration:
The study, performed by Director James L. Powell of the National Physical Science Consortium, examined 24,000 papers on Climate Change from 2013-14. Only 5 did not support the theory that Climate Change is happening. Five. Funf! Cinco! Öt! Cinq! Out of 24,000 papers written by certified and reliable scientists in the field of Climate Science, only Five don't think it is happening.
When does the political spin stop and common sense take over? Anyone know?
The study, performed by Director James L. Powell of the National Physical Science Consortium, examined 24,000 papers on Climate Change from 2013-14. Only 5 did not support the theory that Climate Change is happening. Five. Funf! Cinco! Öt! Cinq! Out of 24,000 papers written by certified and reliable scientists in the field of Climate Science, only Five don't think it is happening.
When does the political spin stop and common sense take over? Anyone know?
Saturday, June 13, 2015
After A Long Pause...Inhofe Starts Us Off
Hello there loyal readers! I am so sorry for the long layoff. In addition to becoming a new Daddy (mom and baby are doing great!) I also moved into the new house. It was a long wait, but we made it! We are now making energy with our solar array, heating our water with the Sun, and using a Air/Water Earth Pump to assist the heating and cooling of the house! We couldn't be happier with everything. Well, that's not exactly true. Telekom has made us wait for phone, internet and cable. It is scheduled to be hooked up this Monday. I will believe it when I can log in from my new office in the new house. I will not start the Telekom much as I may want too.
The last month has extremely difficult for me not to blog. Although I didn't post everyday before, I usually attempted to write something for this site everyday. I didn't always finish what I wrote and some pieces still sit in the draft box unfinished and unused. Believe it or not, I have written som real duds. However, you have to spill some salt to make a good margarita, am I right? With all the work in the new house (mostly building my own screens for the windows and unpacking) and the additional work that the baby created and having to drive to the In-laws to get online, blogging took a back burner to the rest of the things we were juggling. But, tomorrow I will put my home-office together. Monday the Telekom technician comes to hook us up. Monday evening I will write a new piece to post for Tuesday...I hope. Now that Mercury is out of retrograde, everything should be okay with the world again, right?
So here is something to wet your whistle. While I was away, there have been a lot of things written and talked about and picked apart about Climate Change. I have been able to read a few, but not many since my cellphone reception at the new house really blows. (Did I mention that I used up a month's worth of data on my cellphone in just one week? Again, another reason I have not been able to blog. Although, I might have used up that date by sending a ga-zillion pictures of my new son. I think it's allowed in that case, right?) Today, while visiting the In-laws, I hopped online for the first time in a week and I read this gem from the Huffington Post.
Seems our old friend Senator James Inhofe is at it again. You know, Senator Inhofe has said time and time again that God wouldn't let humans destroy the planet. Inhofe believes completely that He would step in and save us. Yet, Inhofe has taken exception with the Pope, Pope Francis, the voice of The Almighty Himself for the Catholic Church. Pope Frank recently said he believes that humans are mainly to blame for the warming planet. Inhofe shot back (while he spoke at a quasi-Climate conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, those giants of scientific inquiry) that the Pope should stick to what he does best. Which made me think: Isn't speaking for God what The Pope does best?
Inhofe said we should all stick to what we do best, which in the Senator's case is ignoring the glaring warning signs and planet-sized collection of scientific evidence that says Climate Change is real, it is happening and we are the cause. What Inhofe does best, apparently, is slighting anyone who says Climate Change is real, even when that someone happens to be the Pope! But, I guess when you say with conviction that God would step in and stop Climate Change, if it were in fact real and was in fact happening, only to have the head of the Catholic Church say you are wrong, you might get a little irritated. It's never cool to be knocked down a peg, especially by the Pope when you have been trying to convince everyone you know what God is thinking.
Regardless if you are religious or not, or Catholic or Christian or an Atheist, knowing that the Pope backs the ridiculous amount of supporting scientific evidence that human are causing the very real phenomenon that is Climate Change, it has got to hold some weight, right. I mean, the church has been notoriously slow to get with the times, move forward on scientific discoveries and move forward. The church has also dealt with their fair share of controversy over the years. Seeing them take such a progressive and informed stance on the issue of Climate Change gives people like me hope. Hope that people that go around saying that God will fix everything for us will realize that that's not how it works. That we have to take responsibility for our actions as individuals and as society as a whole. Even the molasses-on-a-cold-day-when-it-comes-to-taking-a-stance-on-a-new-thing Catholic Church has accepted the evidence. What is taking you so long, Senator?
I am trying to reach people like you and helping you cut through the bullshit out there that is misleading and incorrect about Climate Change. I put solar panels on my house and reduce my household waste. Those are the things I do best. Maybe Senator Inhofe should focus on what he could do better. You know, like listen to the experts that study climate change and the citizens the Senator represents in the Senate and take action to combat human being's effect on the climate. Then Senator Inhofe could catch up with the Catholic Church and be as progressive as they are.
The last month has extremely difficult for me not to blog. Although I didn't post everyday before, I usually attempted to write something for this site everyday. I didn't always finish what I wrote and some pieces still sit in the draft box unfinished and unused. Believe it or not, I have written som real duds. However, you have to spill some salt to make a good margarita, am I right? With all the work in the new house (mostly building my own screens for the windows and unpacking) and the additional work that the baby created and having to drive to the In-laws to get online, blogging took a back burner to the rest of the things we were juggling. But, tomorrow I will put my home-office together. Monday the Telekom technician comes to hook us up. Monday evening I will write a new piece to post for Tuesday...I hope. Now that Mercury is out of retrograde, everything should be okay with the world again, right?
So here is something to wet your whistle. While I was away, there have been a lot of things written and talked about and picked apart about Climate Change. I have been able to read a few, but not many since my cellphone reception at the new house really blows. (Did I mention that I used up a month's worth of data on my cellphone in just one week? Again, another reason I have not been able to blog. Although, I might have used up that date by sending a ga-zillion pictures of my new son. I think it's allowed in that case, right?) Today, while visiting the In-laws, I hopped online for the first time in a week and I read this gem from the Huffington Post.
Seems our old friend Senator James Inhofe is at it again. You know, Senator Inhofe has said time and time again that God wouldn't let humans destroy the planet. Inhofe believes completely that He would step in and save us. Yet, Inhofe has taken exception with the Pope, Pope Francis, the voice of The Almighty Himself for the Catholic Church. Pope Frank recently said he believes that humans are mainly to blame for the warming planet. Inhofe shot back (while he spoke at a quasi-Climate conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, those giants of scientific inquiry) that the Pope should stick to what he does best. Which made me think: Isn't speaking for God what The Pope does best?
Inhofe said we should all stick to what we do best, which in the Senator's case is ignoring the glaring warning signs and planet-sized collection of scientific evidence that says Climate Change is real, it is happening and we are the cause. What Inhofe does best, apparently, is slighting anyone who says Climate Change is real, even when that someone happens to be the Pope! But, I guess when you say with conviction that God would step in and stop Climate Change, if it were in fact real and was in fact happening, only to have the head of the Catholic Church say you are wrong, you might get a little irritated. It's never cool to be knocked down a peg, especially by the Pope when you have been trying to convince everyone you know what God is thinking.
Regardless if you are religious or not, or Catholic or Christian or an Atheist, knowing that the Pope backs the ridiculous amount of supporting scientific evidence that human are causing the very real phenomenon that is Climate Change, it has got to hold some weight, right. I mean, the church has been notoriously slow to get with the times, move forward on scientific discoveries and move forward. The church has also dealt with their fair share of controversy over the years. Seeing them take such a progressive and informed stance on the issue of Climate Change gives people like me hope. Hope that people that go around saying that God will fix everything for us will realize that that's not how it works. That we have to take responsibility for our actions as individuals and as society as a whole. Even the molasses-on-a-cold-day-when-it-comes-to-taking-a-stance-on-a-new-thing Catholic Church has accepted the evidence. What is taking you so long, Senator?
I am trying to reach people like you and helping you cut through the bullshit out there that is misleading and incorrect about Climate Change. I put solar panels on my house and reduce my household waste. Those are the things I do best. Maybe Senator Inhofe should focus on what he could do better. You know, like listen to the experts that study climate change and the citizens the Senator represents in the Senate and take action to combat human being's effect on the climate. Then Senator Inhofe could catch up with the Catholic Church and be as progressive as they are.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Sorry for my disappearing act. Not only did I become a father, but we moved as well, as many of you are aware. The new house has no internet connection yet. Why you ask? It is a combination of Telekom BS and Mercury being in retrograde.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Time Out
I am sorry I have not been around these past few weeks. I have had some life altering experiences make place. Quick update:
1. The new house is finished and the solar panels are working! I waited a long time to say that. Damn it feels good.
2. I became a father two weeks ago. I can't even describe the feeling. Only a parent knows what it is like. People have said those words to me before and I didn't understand. Now I do. For those of you out there that don't have kids, I want you to understand that I am unable to put into words what it is like to become a parent. Wow. That's as close as I can get to describing it.
Look for me to back up and running in a week or so. While I'm away, you can still make a difference and fight the good fight. The world needs clean energy and people to stand up and demand that we use it.
This is also a good time for you guys to check out some past posts. There is some gold out there. Enjoy and see you soon!
1. The new house is finished and the solar panels are working! I waited a long time to say that. Damn it feels good.
2. I became a father two weeks ago. I can't even describe the feeling. Only a parent knows what it is like. People have said those words to me before and I didn't understand. Now I do. For those of you out there that don't have kids, I want you to understand that I am unable to put into words what it is like to become a parent. Wow. That's as close as I can get to describing it.
Look for me to back up and running in a week or so. While I'm away, you can still make a difference and fight the good fight. The world needs clean energy and people to stand up and demand that we use it.
This is also a good time for you guys to check out some past posts. There is some gold out there. Enjoy and see you soon!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Rand Paul and the 10.5 Hour Yawn-Fest
So, I heard Rand Paul talked for over 10.5 hours about something or other on the Senate Floor the other day. Yaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnn. I don't remember what he was talking about because in that time I took three naps, cleaned up some spit up, changed six diapers, walked the dogs, visited the In Laws, walked the dogs again, ate three meals, read 50 pages of "Green Mars" by Kim Stanley Robinson, put together a couple Ikea beds, cleaned up more spit up and cursed the internet gods for not sending Telecom to hook up my internet. 10.5 hours? Rand Paul, you ignorant slut...
Look, if you want to make a point, then do it. Don't put everyone to sleep trying to make yourself look important. People lose interest after five minutes anyway, so the other 625 minutes of Paul's rant were lost. And people wonder why our government is inefficient.
Clear and concise. To the point. No filler, just all key ingredients. Thats how all speeches should be. Don't believe me? The Gettysburg Address was one of the most famous speeches ever given in US History. It was four minutes long and President Abraham Lincoln wrote on the train from Washington, DC. It brought people to tears. It is chiseled into the wall of the Lincoln Memorial. It changed a nation. Everyone remembers that speech.
Do you really think Paul's speech will be remembered that way?
Look, if you want to make a point, then do it. Don't put everyone to sleep trying to make yourself look important. People lose interest after five minutes anyway, so the other 625 minutes of Paul's rant were lost. And people wonder why our government is inefficient.
Clear and concise. To the point. No filler, just all key ingredients. Thats how all speeches should be. Don't believe me? The Gettysburg Address was one of the most famous speeches ever given in US History. It was four minutes long and President Abraham Lincoln wrote on the train from Washington, DC. It brought people to tears. It is chiseled into the wall of the Lincoln Memorial. It changed a nation. Everyone remembers that speech.
Do you really think Paul's speech will be remembered that way?
Monday, May 18, 2015
Monday Memes
I thought this was funny. Have a great week!
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Thursday, May 14, 2015
Message to All Readers
Due to life changing events, Climate Guy will be on hiatus for a few days.
I think this is a good enough excuse, don't you? My son. Handsome little guy. Mom and baby are doing well. Now, this makes my mission to raise awareness and combat Climate Change even more important. I take my responsibility to leave the planet better than I found it for my little boy seriously. You don't have to like Whitney Houston to agree that children are our future. But what kind of future they will have is up to us.
While I am away, take a look back through some of my more popular posts from the past 10 months. You can find the links on the right hand side of this page. Be sure to leave a comment. You can also follow Climate Guy 73 by signing up on the right.
See you soon!
I think this is a good enough excuse, don't you? My son. Handsome little guy. Mom and baby are doing well. Now, this makes my mission to raise awareness and combat Climate Change even more important. I take my responsibility to leave the planet better than I found it for my little boy seriously. You don't have to like Whitney Houston to agree that children are our future. But what kind of future they will have is up to us.
While I am away, take a look back through some of my more popular posts from the past 10 months. You can find the links on the right hand side of this page. Be sure to leave a comment. You can also follow Climate Guy 73 by signing up on the right.
See you soon!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Solar Roads!
Thanks to Sven T. Veital @tveital for posting this photo on Twitter yesterday. I like The Netherlands more and more every time I see things like this. It just makes sense.
Our friends in Holland seem to get it when it comes to renewables, don't they? When your home is being inundated by rising seas, I guess it raises awareness about global warming and climate change. This solar road is a first generation energy producer and it can power a house for a year. Just imagine how much better this tech will be in a few years when it can be improved upon? Who says solar energy can't power our lives right now? Oh, right, the Fossil Fuel Industry.
These solar roads are also easy to install because the main infrastructure is already in place. (What countries don't already have roads?) Soon, streets can be turned into power generators, providing energy for homes and businesses in the immediate vicinity. Winning!
Did I mention that the Netherlands is in the Northern latitudes? Think of what solar roads will do for places closer to the equator. Places like the American Southwest, Central America, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, India...
Clean energy is a reality, one that we no longer have to wait for to make a clean energy future. And save the planet at the same time. Winning!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Too Much BS
Dear Senator Inhofe: CO2 is good for sodas, not for maintaining a healthy biosphere. You say CO2 is necessary to grow things, yet you fail to realize that too much is detrimental. Don't believe me? Well, oxygen is essential for humans to live, but too much oxygen and one little spark and ...BOOOOOOOM! It can explode. Oxygen doesn't sound so good in that case, does it?
Or how about sugar? Sugar (or glucose) is necessary for our bodies to metabolize and go about its daily routine. Its the source of energy that life requires to, well, live! Without it, our cells would die, and so would we. While sugar is essential to our very existence, our bodies cannot handle too much sugar. Too much sugar can cause people to get really fat. Or develop diabetes. The body’s routine functions become seriously impeded with too much sugar, and over a long period of time can lead to serious health concerns or even death! Did you know that?
How about Red Wine? Studies have shown that Red Wine has some very beneficial components that can help our bodies. Many doctors say that a glass of wine with dinner can flush the body of toxins, promote heart health and keep our arteries clear. But if you drink too much wine, you can get intoxicated. Being drunk can cause you to stumble around, knock shit over and yack in the toilet. And when you wake up in the morning after a night of wine-drinking, the headaches can be wicked! Kind of like what the human race will feel like when we wake up one morning after all of this binging on oil.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
Tesla, Batteries and the Energy Revolution
Tesla announced its new battery storage system last week. Tony Stark himself- oops, sorry- I mean Elon Musk himself introduced the new energy storage system that could be the game changer renewable energy advocates have been waiting for to jumpstart the Energy Revolution. You can read about Tesla and Mr. Stark's...(damn, did it again...) Mr. Musk's breakthrough and announcement here.
If you visit this site, you already know I am a HUGE advocate for clean renewable energy, sustainability and energy independence. Energy storage has long been the missing link when it comes to energy production from renewables. Opponents of solar and wind power have often moaned that because the Sun goes down or that the wind stops blowing, renewables are unreliable and cannot replace fossil fuels as out main source of energy. Well, I think Tony's- (shit) Elon's announcement basically tells those people that they can "Suck it!"
An energy storage system for homes and businesses as well as for utility companies is a game-changer. It is the missing link between energy production and usage/demand. The biggest argument against renewables is that they are unreliable for the reasons I mentioned above. With a battery storage system in place, one can make energy with their PV system during the day and store it to use at night. Or they can store wind energy when the wind is blowing and use it when the winds die down. Here is a great article from the Washington Post that talks about Tesla's plans and the coming "Energy Revolution".
Anyone seen this cartoon before?
You may remember it from my post on March 31st: Electric Cars and Dirty Energy. In that post, I talked about how this meme represented an opportunity to be more sustainable. Instead of using energy from coal-fired power plants, you could use a solar array to charge your electric car, eliminating fuel costs and CO2 emissions. The Tesla Battery takes this idea one step further...and its a big step! Now, when you are at work, your PV system can make a ton of energy and store it in the battery. When you come home, that energy in the battery can be used to charge your car and power the house when the family is home watching tv, making dinner, surfing the net and playing video games. Sustainable energy system. Holy crap!
Already, I have had some friends dismiss the Tesla Battery because of cost. If you check back to my post Electric Cars and Dirty Energy, you will see how a broke down what a person could save in gas by driving an electric car charged by a solar array. The payback on the Return On Investment starts immediately with these systems. Money for fuel is now earmarked for to pay-off the array. Now, imagine not only saving money in gas, but in utility bills as well! I realize that the cost is quite substantial, but Banks realize that Solar is a good investment. The numbers don't lie. You reduce your monthly utility and fuel costs by going solar, which frees up capital to pay the bank back it's money. You make the Bank whole, and you reduce your monthly bills once the system is paid off. You were already spending that money before, except now there is an end in sight. You are eliminating those costs completely after a few years.
Americans love their credit and love to finance things. Here's an opportunity to finance something that is worth more after it is paid off, unlike your car, that drops in value as soon as you drive it off the lot. You are already spending the money for gas and electricity right now. Investing in solar, a battery system for your home and an electric car transfers what you are spending for gas and electricity to paying back your loan. Tac credits for solar, the battery and an electric car significantly reduce your initial upfront costs, which means the government pays you for doing this. Winner winner chicken dinner!
And THAT is what is meant by the Energy Revolution. The Tesla Battery pack means no more blackouts, no more rate hikes, no more transmission fees and hidden costs. No more days at the gas station, filling up with Super Unleaded because Regular is "out" or the pump is broken. All it takes is thinking outside the box a little bit. Outside the box, where power is clean, renewable and works for you. Thanks Elon Musk! I just can't wait until he builds the Iron Man suit.
If you visit this site, you already know I am a HUGE advocate for clean renewable energy, sustainability and energy independence. Energy storage has long been the missing link when it comes to energy production from renewables. Opponents of solar and wind power have often moaned that because the Sun goes down or that the wind stops blowing, renewables are unreliable and cannot replace fossil fuels as out main source of energy. Well, I think Tony's- (shit) Elon's announcement basically tells those people that they can "Suck it!"
An energy storage system for homes and businesses as well as for utility companies is a game-changer. It is the missing link between energy production and usage/demand. The biggest argument against renewables is that they are unreliable for the reasons I mentioned above. With a battery storage system in place, one can make energy with their PV system during the day and store it to use at night. Or they can store wind energy when the wind is blowing and use it when the winds die down. Here is a great article from the Washington Post that talks about Tesla's plans and the coming "Energy Revolution".
Anyone seen this cartoon before?
You may remember it from my post on March 31st: Electric Cars and Dirty Energy. In that post, I talked about how this meme represented an opportunity to be more sustainable. Instead of using energy from coal-fired power plants, you could use a solar array to charge your electric car, eliminating fuel costs and CO2 emissions. The Tesla Battery takes this idea one step further...and its a big step! Now, when you are at work, your PV system can make a ton of energy and store it in the battery. When you come home, that energy in the battery can be used to charge your car and power the house when the family is home watching tv, making dinner, surfing the net and playing video games. Sustainable energy system. Holy crap!
Already, I have had some friends dismiss the Tesla Battery because of cost. If you check back to my post Electric Cars and Dirty Energy, you will see how a broke down what a person could save in gas by driving an electric car charged by a solar array. The payback on the Return On Investment starts immediately with these systems. Money for fuel is now earmarked for to pay-off the array. Now, imagine not only saving money in gas, but in utility bills as well! I realize that the cost is quite substantial, but Banks realize that Solar is a good investment. The numbers don't lie. You reduce your monthly utility and fuel costs by going solar, which frees up capital to pay the bank back it's money. You make the Bank whole, and you reduce your monthly bills once the system is paid off. You were already spending that money before, except now there is an end in sight. You are eliminating those costs completely after a few years.
Americans love their credit and love to finance things. Here's an opportunity to finance something that is worth more after it is paid off, unlike your car, that drops in value as soon as you drive it off the lot. You are already spending the money for gas and electricity right now. Investing in solar, a battery system for your home and an electric car transfers what you are spending for gas and electricity to paying back your loan. Tac credits for solar, the battery and an electric car significantly reduce your initial upfront costs, which means the government pays you for doing this. Winner winner chicken dinner!
And THAT is what is meant by the Energy Revolution. The Tesla Battery pack means no more blackouts, no more rate hikes, no more transmission fees and hidden costs. No more days at the gas station, filling up with Super Unleaded because Regular is "out" or the pump is broken. All it takes is thinking outside the box a little bit. Outside the box, where power is clean, renewable and works for you. Thanks Elon Musk! I just can't wait until he builds the Iron Man suit.
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