Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

This Is What We Are Dealing With

     Dr. John P. Holdren, the White House Science Advisor, was on Capitol Hill Wednesday to discuss the Presidents new Climate Change Policy.  As usual, there were a number of Republican Congressmen who did not try to hide their denial of the Climate Change Crisis. What was painfully obvious to anyone who has ever been to science class, is their total disregard for the science that they themselves question. If they used some of the that fundraising money to hire a qualified scientist to prep them for hearings like these, they wouldn't end up looking so incredibly stupid.

     From Rep Steve Stockman (R-TX) asking about the wobble of the planets axis (which plays out over tens of thousands of years, not in mere hours)

 to Rep Dana Rohrabacher asking about the negative effects CO2 has on people's health, to Rep Larry Buschon's mind-numbing statement about how melting ice in a glass doesn't raise the level of the water (Hint: hey Congressman...not all of the world's ice is floating in the water; most of it is still on land), the misinformed showed up in full force Wednesday and did a very poor job of coming up with an informed, factual or educated argument against our changing Global Climate.

    I highly suggest you watch the videos. The link is below. It boggles my mind that some of our elected officials are so incredibly lazy and greedy that they fail to even save face and try to not look stupid with the camera on. And the world watching. As everything gets hotter and the sea rise.


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