I have heard politicians and Big Business types spout off about how anthropogenic global warming is not happening. Many also say that more CO2 in the atmosphere is a good thing, that a warming atmosphere will make plants flourish with an abundance of greenhouse gases that raises temperatures and makes growing conditions more optimal and how it would benefit the human race. (I will skip over the obvious contradictions here, where in one breath AGW is denied out right and then in the next breath CO2 is trumpeted as a great boon for the people of Earth due to the increased warmth it would bring.) To think that a warmer climate would benefit us all shows a failure to recognize that the risks and damage far outweigh the so called "benefits" of increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
Melting ice, from mountain glaciers and polar ice caps, would raise sea level, inundating coastal areas, where a large percentage of the Earth's inhabitants happen to live. Floods like these are almost aways accompanied by diseases such as typhoid, cholera and hepatitis A, to name but a few. Ignoring the displacement of hundreds of millions of people from their homes due to the loss of land to the sea due to these floods, and focusing just on the spread of these types of diseases, it is more then plausible that we could be facing a global health crisis like we have never seen. I am not talking about a pathogen that spirals into a pandemic, but multiple infectious diseases spreading over vast areas year after year as the flood waters rise.
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Courtesy of Mother Nature Network: http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/8-before-and-after-images-of-ice-melt |
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Courtesy of The Watchers: http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2011/07/27/bangladesh-floods-displace-thousands/ |
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(Image credit: CDC Public Health Image Library) |
The new standards set forth by the Obama Administration look to reduce CO2 emissions at increased cost while taking into consideration the reduced health costs associated as a result. That seems to be missing in the studies from those opposed to the new EPA standards. They seem to dismiss the reduced health costs when they state that reducing CO2 emission will be too expensive and bring about certain economic doom. It is selective argumentation, cherry picking data and ignoring facts to give one's argument the appearance of being sound and complete. Those opposed to the new standards are focusing only on the bottom line and not the broad, long term picture. They are more focused on business and money, with little regard for the health of those very customers they need to stay in business.
This is not about science, its about money and power. Big Business is not concerned about helping the everyday person save money, they are concerned about making money for themselves. There needs to be a line drawn to ensure the health and well being of the population over profits. We live in a society where money is valued more then the well being of the people that live in that society. From my point of view that is not a sustainable business model.
World Health Organization, "Flooding and communicable disease fact sheet". 2014. Web, 27 Aug, 2014. http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/ems/flood_cds/en/
Gilmour, J. "Climate Change policies pay for themselves". 25 Aug, 2014. Web. 27 Aug, 2014. http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/Energy-Voices/2014/0825/Climate-change-policies-pay-for-themselves-study-says
you are perpetuating a fear inducing idea which,if you care to check it out in an un biased way,is now proven to be completely wrong.Polar ice is NOT melting.Bangladesh is actually sliding back into the sea as it always will as India continues to collide with Asia,causing coastal flooding for the people who choose to live there.Man cannot stop this!Earth's temperature has not increased for 16 years.PLEASE check this out and look back at all the statements made by Al Gore et al.I am tired of being treated like a cretin who doesn't read the news each day.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comment. I appreciate you stopping in and taking a look around. My goal here is to inform and encourage people to look beyond the daily news and media outlets. I want you to ask the hard questions and seek out the experts on the subject of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Global Warming. My agenda is pretty simple: go talk to a scientists, or a college professor or a high school science teacher who can explain these things better then Fox News or MSNBC. Don't take things at face value, question them. Don't settle for just reading the news, go look at a Climate Study. Try to understand how everything fits together and why the vast majority of the scientific world today believes that AGW is happening and how we are contributing. If you don't think what I discuss here is true, then question it. But in order to question it, you have to support your argument with facts, not conjecture. I hope you can see my point of view and understand I am not a fear monger, but someone concerned for all of us and the future generations on this planet. Climate Change is real, it is happening and we are major contributors to it.