Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Coming Apocalypse on a Billboard

This morning, while surfing the World Wide Web, I kept looking at the calendar at the bottom of my screen. Was it April Fool's Day? It wasn't. It was April 2nd. So what I was reading was no joke, sadly.  Sometimes it amazes me how far we have come as a species in the past 500 years. Which makes reading about some of the things supposedly educated and sophisticated people say in today's world. 

Recently, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead vetoed a new state bill that would have taught science standards that include how to deal with and address Climate Change issues. The state's board of education chairman stated when asked about his stance on climate change: “I don't accept, personally, that it is a fact.” Ron Micheli said in the same article, “[The standards are] very prejudiced in my opinion against fossil-fuel development.” Because the fossil fuel industry always has our best interests at heart, right? Never mind the prejudice the fossil fuel industry has for anything that does not equal huge profits. 


Have you read about the Duke Energy fiasco in North Carolina? Duke Energy poured dangerous and highly toxic coal ash into open waters around many of its coal ash dumps, allowing coal ash waste to seep into ground water and expose unknowing citizens to a toxic and deadly waste material left over from the burning of coal. Duke Energy knew it was doing this, yet tried to hide the facts by bribing public and federal officials. All of this put the public at risk of contamination. When the story hit the news, Duke Energy swore it would stand up and take its licks; it would hold itself responsible for its blatant disregard for the public health, not to mention the violation of the Clean Water Act, a federal law. 
     Now, Duke Energy is insisting that the citizen activist groups, that are involved in holding Duke Energy accountable for its irresponsible actions, be removed from the case. After apologizing and saying that they would be held accountable, Duke Energy is doing the opposite; "they are lawyering up." Way to be accountable for breaking the law and poisoning the public. What a bunch of assholes!

    Then there is this one, where just when you think the world is inching closer to that kumbaya moment, you realize its not even close. The Traditionalist Youth Network, a white nationalist group, filed a brief in the Michigan Same Sex Marriage case stating that "legalized gay marriage is 'an affront to the health, safety, morals, and public welfare' of Michiganders and could open the doors to legalizing pedophilia and zoophilia." Say what?! Pedophilia and zoophilia are not legal?! Isn't that attack on gays  also an affront to all of the heterosexual pedophiles and zoophiles out there? What about their rights? I find it ironic that these Nationalists are the same people that want the government out of their lives, while at the same time telling others how to live theirs. Someone call Alanis Morrisette so she can take note of what irony is.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/01/michigan-gay-marriage_n_5071346.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592

Finally, here is one from the Great State of Arkansas. A billboard in Harrison, Arkansas trumps the community as clean, safe and 98% white. Apparently, that's real important for the resale value of one's home. The ad also displays a link that promotes the local chapter of the KKK. Underneath that sign is one that says, "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white." Did the Civil Rights movement happen? Or did someone just dream that? Sometimes I wonder. http://www.ky3.com/news/local/new-billboard-in-harrison-ark-carries-racist-undertone-says-race-relations-task-force/21048998_25260456

It seems like there is more and more negative, nationalist, racist, close-minded and intolerant behavior these days. Maybe I have a skewed view of the world, with my rose-colored glasses. But come on! Science isn't anti-God. Oil and Coal companies are spending millions to make people think global warming is a bunch of treehuggin-hooey so they can rake in the cash at our future's expense. Gays and Lesbians deserve the same rights as everyone else. Racism is so last century; its just not cool anymore. Just when I thought we were making progress, corporations like Duke Energy remind us that all that matters is the the bottom line. 

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