I hate Rush Limbaugh. Anyone who knows me is aware of that. I do not like him strictly for the reason that he gets on the air and spouts bullshit, lies and falsehoods to those who listen to his show. Sadly, most of those who listen to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis believe every word he says.
I am not one of these people.
Take for instance Mr. Limbaugh's comments the other day about the Polar Vortex. Limbaugh accuses the Liberal Media (hasn't he come up with a new term yet?) of making up the term "Polar Vortex" just to explain away the cold snap. He alleges that before the single digit an below zero temperatures we have seen this month, there was no such thing as a Polar Vortex.
He's wrong. (I know. I am as shocked as you are.)
Go look at a meteorological book or website. Go study the maps and charts that show the global wind currents, jet streams and the trade winds, the Easterlies and Westerlies. Try to gain just a basic understanding of how the Earth's rotation leads to air currents and weather patterns. Go look up the Coriolis Effect. Do this now. It will only take a few minutes. I'll wait.
Start here: http://www.education.noaa.gov/Weather_and_Atmosphere/Weather_Systems_and_Patterns.html
Ok. Did you do it? Ready to move on? Ok.
Below is a link from Huffington Post Live that play Rush Limbaugh's comments and two scientists' responses.
Now, you can believe whatever you want. If you like Rush Limbaugh, that's your right (although why you would be here reading this blog is beyond me). Just because you BELIEVE it doesn't mean it is true. That's why I am here. To help you learn whats true and what's bullshit propaganda. I would just like people to know what the real science says.
Mr. Limbaugh and I each have an agenda. Mine is to help raise awareness about a growing Climate concern, get people to do research so they may form insightful and informed opinions. Rush's agenda is to be a bombastic, misinformed and inaccurate asshole.
If your washing machine breaks, you don't call a pizza delivery man to fix it. So, with that in mind, if you want real facts and solid scientific research about Climate Change, the Environment or weather patterns, don't go to Rush Limbaugh.
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