"Our problems are man-made, therefore they can be solved by man. For in the final analysis our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal."
John F. Kennedy
Environmental Writer, Watershed Steward, Climate Reality Leader, Promoter of Common Sense, Resident Smart Ass
Environmental Writer, Activist and Resident Smart Ass

Monday, October 7, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Be Informed For The IPCC Report
The IPCC will publish their long awaited Climate Change report this week, and as many of you may know, there has been quite a bit of news on the matter. It seems that for every article about the IPCC, their exhaustive, detailed research and what it will say, there are just as many articles about how the IPCC is driven by political ideologies, that the science is exaggerated and that Climate Change is not even real. How is anyone supposed to understand what is true and what is make believe? How are you going to wade through the mountains of data to form an educated opinion?
In my continuing effort to educate and raise awareness, here are a few suggestions:
1. Read the IPCC report when it comes out. The actual report is rumored to be really long with lots of pages. But there is a 20+ page summary that will be released for those who's heads may spin with all of the numbers and data and studies sited. Read the report and then go from there. Don't take someone else's opinion on it. Not even mine.
2. Know who is writing any article or blog. Did they do their research when they formed their opinion? There are a lot of bloggers out there, funded by Big Oil and Big Coal and Climate Change Deniers, who write anti-Global Warming and anti-IPCC because that's their job. In today's instant-information-age, anyone can post on the internet and be taken at face value. I am asking you not to take things at face value.
3. There are a lot of great articles out there that you can use to educate yourself on the complex science involved in all this. Climate predictions are just that...predictions. But, the science that is used to calculate the possible effects is sound science. Don't let articles and news outlets that outright dismiss scientific facts without providing their own data and studies fool you. Simply saying "Climate Change is a hoax" or "Climate Change is not real!" are not valid arguments. Saying that since the Arctic Ice Cap rebounded from its all-time recorded low in 2012 to be the 6th smallest on record in 2013 is not an accurate scientific conclusion. Be informed!
4. If you don't understand the science...ASK SOMEONE! Seriously, this stuff is complicated. I went to school for 4 years, earned a degree in Environmental Management this year, read about it everyday and still its tough to understand fully. It can be overwhelming. A high school science teacher, a college professor...someone who is a science person can put it simpler terms if you are having a hard time grasping all the data. If you do not understand the scientific method, I would highly recommend looking it over to see how these conclusions and findings have been formulated.
5. United States-centric articles and blogs do NOT give you the whole picture! While many articles this summer have used the lack of significant tropical storms in the Atlantic as a sign that Global Warming is a farce, they fail to take into account the Pacific Hurricane and Typhoon season that has battered Mexico, the Philippines and now Hong Kong. It has been a very active year across the globe, which is in line with the predicted increased activity predicted by a warming planet.
6. Know what Climate Change really means. Global Warming first warned of melting ice and rising seas. More water vapor fueling stronger storms, longer droughts due to higher temps, shifting climates leading to invasive species migrating to new latitudes were things that began to become apparent as we learned more about our effects on the Earth's troposphere with our CO2 emissions. Many critics of Climate Change like to point out that Global Warming became Climate Change out of desperation, as scientists and politicians scrambled to twist the facts. In actuality, Climate Change is being caused by Global Warming and the effects are much more wide-spread and intricate then we first realized. That is a fact.
7. Understand the Scientific Method and how the Science World uses it in experimentation, research, and peer-review. Science will never offer up 100% certainty on anything. But 95% or 97% is a sign that things are pretty darn certain. If you understand how that works, you are ahead of the game.
Below are some links to articles I found useful and informative. Read, review, compare, research and share. I also recommend the following books that I found eye-opening and informative. Having a conversation is the only way to truly get to the heart and soul of what is REALLY happening with Climate Change. My hope is that enough of you who are on the fence or are confused will be able to learn more and have a better understanding of this complex issue. We can make a difference that has far reaching effects on our children's and grand children's future. All I ask is that you try and understand the facts before deciding for yourself what is true and what is make-believe.
"Merchants of Doubt" by Erik M. Conway & Naomi Oreskes
"Plan B 4.0 : Mobilizing To Save Civilization" by Lester R. Brown
"The Power of Sustainable Thinking: How to Create a Positive future for the Climate, the Planet, Your Organization and Your Life" by Bob Doppelt
"Plastic Ocean" by Captain Charles Moore with Cassandra Phillips
In my continuing effort to educate and raise awareness, here are a few suggestions:
1. Read the IPCC report when it comes out. The actual report is rumored to be really long with lots of pages. But there is a 20+ page summary that will be released for those who's heads may spin with all of the numbers and data and studies sited. Read the report and then go from there. Don't take someone else's opinion on it. Not even mine.
2. Know who is writing any article or blog. Did they do their research when they formed their opinion? There are a lot of bloggers out there, funded by Big Oil and Big Coal and Climate Change Deniers, who write anti-Global Warming and anti-IPCC because that's their job. In today's instant-information-age, anyone can post on the internet and be taken at face value. I am asking you not to take things at face value.
3. There are a lot of great articles out there that you can use to educate yourself on the complex science involved in all this. Climate predictions are just that...predictions. But, the science that is used to calculate the possible effects is sound science. Don't let articles and news outlets that outright dismiss scientific facts without providing their own data and studies fool you. Simply saying "Climate Change is a hoax" or "Climate Change is not real!" are not valid arguments. Saying that since the Arctic Ice Cap rebounded from its all-time recorded low in 2012 to be the 6th smallest on record in 2013 is not an accurate scientific conclusion. Be informed!
4. If you don't understand the science...ASK SOMEONE! Seriously, this stuff is complicated. I went to school for 4 years, earned a degree in Environmental Management this year, read about it everyday and still its tough to understand fully. It can be overwhelming. A high school science teacher, a college professor...someone who is a science person can put it simpler terms if you are having a hard time grasping all the data. If you do not understand the scientific method, I would highly recommend looking it over to see how these conclusions and findings have been formulated.
5. United States-centric articles and blogs do NOT give you the whole picture! While many articles this summer have used the lack of significant tropical storms in the Atlantic as a sign that Global Warming is a farce, they fail to take into account the Pacific Hurricane and Typhoon season that has battered Mexico, the Philippines and now Hong Kong. It has been a very active year across the globe, which is in line with the predicted increased activity predicted by a warming planet.
6. Know what Climate Change really means. Global Warming first warned of melting ice and rising seas. More water vapor fueling stronger storms, longer droughts due to higher temps, shifting climates leading to invasive species migrating to new latitudes were things that began to become apparent as we learned more about our effects on the Earth's troposphere with our CO2 emissions. Many critics of Climate Change like to point out that Global Warming became Climate Change out of desperation, as scientists and politicians scrambled to twist the facts. In actuality, Climate Change is being caused by Global Warming and the effects are much more wide-spread and intricate then we first realized. That is a fact.
7. Understand the Scientific Method and how the Science World uses it in experimentation, research, and peer-review. Science will never offer up 100% certainty on anything. But 95% or 97% is a sign that things are pretty darn certain. If you understand how that works, you are ahead of the game.
Below are some links to articles I found useful and informative. Read, review, compare, research and share. I also recommend the following books that I found eye-opening and informative. Having a conversation is the only way to truly get to the heart and soul of what is REALLY happening with Climate Change. My hope is that enough of you who are on the fence or are confused will be able to learn more and have a better understanding of this complex issue. We can make a difference that has far reaching effects on our children's and grand children's future. All I ask is that you try and understand the facts before deciding for yourself what is true and what is make-believe.
"Merchants of Doubt" by Erik M. Conway & Naomi Oreskes
"Plan B 4.0 : Mobilizing To Save Civilization" by Lester R. Brown
"The Power of Sustainable Thinking: How to Create a Positive future for the Climate, the Planet, Your Organization and Your Life" by Bob Doppelt
"Plastic Ocean" by Captain Charles Moore with Cassandra Phillips
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Does Our Planet Need a Tune Up?
Climate Change has
been a hot topic for decades. Climate Scientists and their supporters warn of the
dangers of global warming-fueled anthropogenic (or man-made) Climate Change in order to help educate. They have examined mounds of data that has accumulated over the past one hundred plus years and compared it to what is happening now. They have studied ice cores and soil core samples to look at longterm climate patterns back hundreds of thousands of years. That data strongly suggests that the burning of fossil fuels is warming the planet and causing a domino type cascade of dangerous climate impacts. These people are the world's mechanics, trying to determine how the engine is running and how to keep the engine running smoothly.
Others believe Climate Change is not real. These
deniers say humans do not affect the climate at all. Many say it is simply
nature moving at its own pace, as it has for billions of years. They say that
Global Warming is a man-made global conspiracy to frighten people. There are those that stand to lose quite a bit (money, power, control) if the world were to accept Climate Change as real and enact measures to prevent further damage. Companies that currently supply the majority of the World's energy needs. Isn't it also possible that those entities would try and prevent such measures from ruining their businesses by any means necessary? Even if those measures would provide clean energy with long reaching environmental and economic benefits?
Ninety-seven percent of Climate
Scientists who have studied the Earth's climate for decades and are considered
the premiere experts on the subject can show that the Earth’s atmosphere is
getting warmer and that humans are the cause. They say that the burning of
fossil fuels and the subsequent releases of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere
has caused the world's average global temperature to rise 1 degree, on average,
since the end of World War II. This coincides with the massive increase in the
use of the fossil fuels oil and coal that the world relies on to run our cars and airplanes as well as power
our homes and cities.
The deniers say that these same
scientists are not in fact experts but rather they and everyone else involved
in the “Global Conspiracy” are doing so to fool the entire world. By getting
the world to put a tax on carbon and invest in Renewable Energy, these
so-called "environmental fundamentalists" ultimate goal is to fool everyone in
order to pad their bank accounts. The Climate Change Deniers want all of us to
believe that some Environmental Illuminati-type organization was created by politicians, activists and ninety-seven percent
of the world’s climate scientists to brainwash a whole planet into believing
“fake science”.
The science behind Global Warming
and Climate Change is sound. From year to year and from decade to decade there
are temperature variations and fluctuations, but over the long term, the current trend
is clear and measureable: atmospheric CO2 levels have climbed steadily since
WWII, and so has the average global temperature. The average global temperature has risen 1degree Celsius this century. That may not sound like a lot, until you realize that 1 degree is the difference between Ice and Water. The degree changes at the poles have been much higher, around 3-4 degrees higher. That is where the majority of the world's ice happens to be, so the effects are much more apparent and more dangerous.
I have learned from many people and organizations here in Maryland and across the country about the science behind
climate change. I have answered questions and explained the science involved
to those who want to understand. Some are concerned, while others vehemently do not. Those types tend to use bullying tactics straight off the playground from 4th grade. Ridicule and insults. I have been called "Chicken Little", screaming to anyone that will listen that the sky is falling. I have been called a fascist and un-American. Very original stuff. All because I want to help
others understand the real science. Climate Change Deniers do not back up their
opinions with any facts, just conjecture and erroneous conclusions from
inaccurate information.
That kind of interaction comes with the territory. I have thick skin and try to do my best to handle the argument without seeming condescending or evasive. I point to the science, and try to show how so many things in this world are connected. Some are reasonable and can see some of my point, but still disagree. Some dismiss it outright. I cannot convince everyone. But I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me from time to time. When you see the science and how it all fits together and not looked at separately, its hard for me to dispute what the facts are. I just hope to show other people those same connections so they can see the big picture.
So, with that said, what do you think about Climate Change? Do you think some solar entrepreneurs and politicians are paying off the majority of the planets scientific community so they might pad their wallets? What do you think is more likely?
That a group of liberal politicians, climate scientists and renewable energy
companies decided to invent a made-up climate catastrophe in order to get the
global community to buy renewable energy and push for legislation to curb
carbon emissions just for their own benefit?
There is no denying that renewable energy technology and infrastructure would bloom and prosper. But innovation would explode as well. New technologies would be invented, pollution would decrease and the health of the environment would benefit. Jobs would be created, energy would become more affordable. There is most certainly huge benefits monetarily in such a worldwide shift in the energy markets. That has been and will continue to be the American Way. New replaces old. Better ideas push aside old ones. Would that not be good for the world to live more sustainably, with cleaner energy and less waste? That is how species and civilizations flourish and prosper; by changing and evolving. Does that sound like progress or conspiracy?
Or is it more likely that the Oil
and Coal companies have tried to confuse and mislead the general public by
spending millions of dollars on tactics to refute Climate Change and Global Warming
data? Is it more likely that Big Oil and Big Coal are trying to protect their massive
profits and control by shifting focus from the pollution of not just CO2, but all the other
by-products of burning fossil fuels (particulates, sulfuric acid, mercury,
nitric oxides, ground level ozone, etc.) in order to make it appear that the
science isn’t settled? Could Big Oil and Big Coal have adopted the same
strategy that the Tobacco companies used to combat the sound
scientific findings on the dangers of smoking and its link to cancer in the 1950's and 60’s? Who has
the most to lose: an established and powerful industry or one that is just being to show promise?
We are being negatively affected here
in Maryland now, and will continue to be in the future. The Chesapeake Bay watershed is extremely sensitive to changes in the environment. Changes are happening faster here with the Mid-Atlantic part of the country slowly sinking into the ocean as the continent rebounds from the last Ice Age. Coupled with a rise in global sea levels, we could see a more significant impact. More coastal lands inundated over the next 86 years could drastically change the Bay's shorelines. More islands and homes will disappear under the waters of the world's largest estuary.
The scientific
community overwhelmingly supports the findings of climate scientists. Climate
Change is real, it’s happening and we are the cause. To say we are not is
ignoring scientific research and intellectual reason that ninety-seven percent
of the climate scientists agree with. With growing scientific evidence and increasing
temperatures, do we really want to sentence our grandchildren to such a bleak
future? If your car started having problems and you took it to one hundred
mechanics, whom would you listen too? The ninety-seven who said you needed a
new engine or the three who said your car was running fine?
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